Recent content by Nix

  1. N

    Fixing Vilya's Artwork.

    outlines are a necessary part of game art, and as long as the color the outline uses is avoided in the sprite's interior it can be visually pleasant. even still, some pixel artists use sel-out to avoid banding in the outline.
  2. N

    Fixing Vilya's Artwork.

    I apologize if I seem aggressive; I've been following this game for over two years and this has bothered me the entire time. Also, there -are- generally accepted techniques for this style of digital art and not using them doesn't make the game look pleasant. It's an issue because these thinga...
  3. N

    Fixing Vilya's Artwork.

    While the pixel art is mostly pleasing, certain environmental pieces and other "non-moving" graphics have unpleasant, dissonant qualities that could easily be fixed if you guys devoted some time to renovating then. I'm fairly certain Vilya was the artist behind these, so I'd just like to say...