Recent content by Shady C

  1. Shady C

    Version 0.681a

    "Insect Swarm can nog target the second Mimic stage properly" I assume you mean "now" rather than "not," despite G and T being closest? Thanks for the patch though! (First reply AND view, woot!) Welp. First view, anyway. I took my time with the reply :P
  2. Shady C

    Arcade Mode with Story chars!

    Mmm... But obtaining new stuff shouldn't always be the incentive. Endgame replayability is indeed the thing I worry about and aim to aid with the suggestion in my OP. Current Arcade Mode (obviously) is not this, because you're using brand new chars every time. I think replaying the Story with...
  3. Shady C

    Arcade Mode with Story chars!

    Like... What? Programming work? Of course. That has nothing to do with the thread. Any major addition obviously requires work. I don't think the devs are looking for "suggestions that are easy to implement so that we can get through the workday". These forums seem pretty inactive, so that's a...
  4. Shady C

    Arcade Mode with Story chars!

    I assumed it was implied that this would be a separate version of Arcade Mode, and thus scaled accordingly.
  5. Shady C

    Mixed feelings on Hard Mode (bosses).

    But how can I get him to 50% HP without him ever going into safe phase? There's no way to miss that trigger. Maybe it was a bug, I suppose. I think it only happened the one time.
  6. Shady C

    Mixed feelings on Hard Mode (bosses).

    Thanks for the reply. In an attempt to go in order... Hard Mode, I think, labels itself for two things. Replay factor, or a challenge for new players. I'm actually the one that decided on Hard Mode, lol. And that being said, yeah of course knowing the mechanics from a Normal Mode playthrough...
  7. Shady C

    Arcade Mode with Story chars!

    This is what I hope to see in the future. While I appreciate what current Arcade Mode does, I have to admit that when I first knew that there was a "greater rift" mode, I wanted to do so as my Story char. Current Arcade Mode starts you off super slow, levels are scarce, and it feels like you're...
  8. Shady C

    Mixed feelings on Hard Mode (bosses).

    Preface: I've only played this game on Hard Mode, co-op with 1 friend (2 players total). The problem I'm about to describe is a problem that seems to exponentially grow as you progress through Story Mode, peaking at Winter, and then seemingly fine for the Trio and the Mushroom. (Am I forgetting...