Recent content by XRizerX

  1. XRizerX

    Chicken Savior Quest. Can you complete it yet?

    Yeah what I meant by a hint was like at some point during the Adventure it would of been cool if there was a tutorial for enemies interacting with background objects... like for example: In the introduction you fall down a hole (yes Secret of Mana reference) you're trapped inside a cave and...
  2. XRizerX

    I'm having a hard time with Pets!

    Alright I got the Jumpkin with the candy cane but I don't know where to find the juice... I don't remember which NPC gave me the golden carrot because that was like 2 days ago. LOL. Edit: Found the Juicy Apple. After you catch the rabbit you go to the farm and the guy gives you another quest...
  3. XRizerX

    I'm having a hard time with Pets!

    Really there's more than 1 pet to catch in the beta? I have the rabbit. What are the other two and how do you get them? I have the candy cane from the witch, where do I use this?
  4. XRizerX

    CurrentEXP/NextlevelupEXP in the stats

    I agree, I'd like to see an actual number of how long it's going to take for the next level... same for the pet xp bars. The items you feed it are worth a value but they show up as ticks on a bar.... kind of stupid. I'd like to know exactly how many items I need to feed him to level up the...
  5. XRizerX

    Exp and Farming (Version 0.56i)

    Ahhh I see, ah well... Yeah I don't see the reason for doing such a thing so early in the game... it doesn't seem like it's that difficult of a game that you need to grind for 87 hours to complete it. I can see why you would like to be OP though... it can be fun. I'll just experience the game...
  6. XRizerX

    Chicken Savior Quest. Can you complete it yet?

    I honestly didn't even realize this was a possibility... I mean I figured out the mirror puzzle in the fortress and I thought that required some pretty critical thinking because at a glance it looks impossible to accomplish. Thanks for letting me know about the Boar, I would have NEVER...
  7. XRizerX

    Chicken Savior Quest. Can you complete it yet?

    There's a side quest in Western Evergrind Fields called Chicken Savior. You just have to return a chicken to the farm to the north but it's trapped behind a giant cracked rock. I'm assuming you can't complete this quest yet as you need some kind of rock breaking key item but I'm still...
  8. XRizerX

    Exp and Farming (Version 0.56i)

    What is this exploit you speak of?