Dual Skill Builds


I couldn't find a thread on this, so if it exists I deeply apologize.

Refunding constantly can get... annoying, so the thought just came to me.
What if there was skill set 1, and skill set 2. That way, for example, I can make my first skill set purely magic, and the 2nd skill set purely-melee.

The idea works like how in WoW you can have 2 skill builds for your 1 class, and can switch between the two freely.

Example: http://puu.sh/plRmZ/b6c50f68b6.png

As you can see, there are 2 buttons on the side, allowing the player to change between 2 spec choices of their choosing.

This way you can change your play-style on the go, switching between set 1 and 2, and possibly even 3 if you want to allow it.

I know there's the argument of "Just refund it" but I feel like that's a cop-out at best for what I'm asking here.
I'm certain what I'm asking is very easy, it's basically allowing the player to have 2+ sets of ways to set their skill points, able to be changed at the click of a button.

It seems easily able to be integrated, and it's allow players to have more fun without the hassle of constantly refunding.

What do you guys think?


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I think having two skill sets would be a good quality of life addition since it would allow new players to get a second chance on their first character to get a build they wanna play with or at least farm up enough money to refund the points they didn't like in their first build. For the most part I think it would have a positive effect on the game but it would also help players do what the devs didn't want to happen when they added the refund system which is people having a specific build for a certain boss or similar. Maybe we could unlock the second skill set after we beat a certain boss or a quest so that you're "forced" to use the first skill set for bosses and farming for a while at least so you don't rely on the second skill set as much. Maybe it could be a feature that's added for New Game + if that ever gets added. :D