das liegt daran das nich genug geld auf deinem konto ist und die *wir ziehen das einfach von deinem konto ab' funktion für dich wohl deaktiviert ist, du musst selber ( per online banking or what ever ) 13 euro (reicht weil 15 dollar 12 euro nochwas is also nim 13) auf dein paypal konto einzahlen...
dont waste so much time with details pls..... i get the feeling we wont get more content in this year and release would be 2016 or something :( 'panic'
depends on when u got it, every new hotfix or 'number change' can bring bugs and mabe remove the item ;)
special when i rly farm over 12 hours and found freakin 50 pumpkin heads from the jumpkins around^^
what ever, still trying, nothing else to do
just wanna know if someone recently found the third item from the jacks in STORY mode
i farm this shit now for Hours and i got almost ! 50 ! pumpkin masks from the jumpkins around but i cant find the last item from jacks o_O
ahhh, i asked myself for what that shit candy is :D the info told something about old men and i speaked with every old men but no one want that :D how u found out u catch jumpkins with it
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