Search results

  1. Rebelboy

    What's the highest you've ever gotten your Attack/Magic Attack?

    This is the highest I've got, but I don't have 2 skull rings, so it could be higher.
  2. Rebelboy

    [Gameplay] redoing challenge rooms in arcade

    I was doing arcade and failed a challenge room, which I then walked out of and accidentally back in, which prompted the challenge again, but without a timer box (timer was still there because I could still time it out). I could repeat going out and back in. When I completed the room I got the...
  3. Rebelboy

    [Text] Outdated quest dialog for arcade.

    The quests states that you need to travel to the fifth floor, which used to be Pumpkin Woods. Now the Pumpkin Woods are third floor.
  4. Rebelboy

    Cursed Priestess lived on

    While trying Tai Ming for a second time I defeated the Cursed Priestess. When the rift spawned I attacked it for no reason. To my surprise my attack hit something and the health bar from the Cursed Priestess appeared. In the screenshot I took you can see the phenomenon after I hit the rift. When...
  5. Rebelboy

    Sound Bug

    I was doing Phaseman again through the trophy room. after some tries the backgroundmusic of the flying fortress wouldn't stop when going to another place. So I heard two backgroundmusics together. Doing Phaseman again fixed this bug however.