Well it Accept them up to 128x128px but it will scale them down to a more emote like size, as far as i know. If you want you can try out yourself. I dont see any reason as to the devs not joining and getting all rights avaible on it.
the Toxic Tulpits and thos small musroom that got spawned once you deafeat the mushroms need an nerf for sure. not so much due their strengh more due their spore attack. 3 of them + a few small mushrooms on the floor = lack. And mind you, my pc is more then capable runnign the game otherwise...
do you use vlc? VLc strangely cant open the video stream, neither can yt as it seems.
Media Player Classic plays it fine through,
Atleast that one http://haruhichan.com/forum/showthread.php?7545-KCP-%E2%80%9CKawaii-Codec-Pack%E2%80%9D
new version is processing at YT right now.
And yeah strangely yt wont just take the downloaded version due codec problems so i had to encode via xilia Converter with the YT 720p preset.
It made out of 1 gb, 5,1 gb...
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