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  1. Falumps

    Dual Techs

    Here's a quick suggestion, I was thinking it would be awesome to see dual triple and quad Techs ie Chrono Trigger. One person cast a spell or ability then other could get into position or some form of hot key to activate said attack.
  2. Falumps

    Simple Suggestion

    yaaaa sorry bout that, wasn't myself last night... with that said. What are the chances of a Dungeon Builder/User Generated Content creator after all is said and done... one can dream
  3. Falumps

    SoG 4 LIFE!

    SoG 4 LIFE!
  4. Falumps

    Simple Suggestion

    Don't go changing on me SoG! Love this game, can't wait to see what the dev team has been cooking up...