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  1. X

    I have no respect for what Starbound are doing.

    Oh, that's a lie. LOL. Many a good game, with or without those things, have failed to succeed. Multiple things factor in, along with a good amount of luck.
  2. X

    I have no respect for what Starbound are doing.

    I didn't guess or weasel the information from Molly. I saw that Molly Carroll (CF Community Manager) is following you guys on Twitter. I figured there was some, or soon to be, communication regarding the whole bit. Due all the capital raised from Starbound, Tiy is trying to be smart about his...
  3. X

    I have no respect for what Starbound are doing.

    I'm listed everything BUT the obvious. Why highlight a point that was already made? Besides, they're doing away with Greenlight and allowing self-publishing.
  4. X

    I have no respect for what Starbound are doing.

    You guys do realize what publishers can do, yeah? They invest resources in completing the game for a chunk of the profit. At the very least, they can forward money, to the developers, to help finish the game (numerous ways in helping game development with that. There's also the simple matter...
  5. X

    I have no respect for what Starbound are doing.

    Depends if they need the extra money/help to complete it. They might be fine with self-publishing. I don't know. It's up to them. It'd also be another cut they'd lose out on, but Risk of Rain and Starbound did good under Chucklefish. They haven't shown themselves to be bad yet...
  6. X

    I have no respect for what Starbound are doing.

    While you're at it, let's hate on every single 4x strategy based on the style of Civilization. The two most recent would be Age of Wonders 3 and Warlock 2. I'm sure nobody is playing those on Steam. How about anything that uses Rogue-like elements? Plenty of those. Wait, doesn't SoG have...
  7. X

    Co-Op Tips & Tricks ~Your guide to a smooth co-op experience~

    Any chance we can get a party window to see others equipment or, at very least, current life/energy totals?
  8. X

    Pre-Order Announcement and Q&A

    Then you give it some fancy ability. It doesn't have to be a stat bonus, it could be a convenience ability or a sidegrade item. I'm buying the game, regardless, but I'm trying to figure out why I would shell out the extra five bucks (+30% the base price) on a hat that gives no extra benefit...
  9. X

    Pre-Order Announcement and Q&A

    What does the Rabby Tier hat do? What's the bonuses?