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  1. D

    [Gameplay][Frontline 0.570b] Evergrind City Market

    Hey guys, I couldn't find a report concerning this, so I decided to report it myself: In evergrind city you can walk through Astrid, Maddock and Francisco (if you push "down" first and then "left" or "right" you can walk through them). Doesn't work on Simon, though. Here's a video / some...
  2. D

    [Text] Marino "assigment" -> assignment
  3. D

    [Gameplay] Arena running/scoreboard bug

    Couldn't find a report concerning this issue, I hope I didn't miss it :/ When you finish the first challenge in the arena (Gauntlet I) and the scoreboard appears, the character starts running to the right/left. Not sure if this happens while seeing the scoreboard of the second challenge, too...
  4. D

    [Text] Luigi Day.png 1. A comma is missing after "Hello there" -> -> ->...