2H Shadow Clone

Shadow clone is my favorite ability, but my favorite weapon type is 2H.

I feel like shadow clone isn't a good enough ability that it should only be exclusive to 1H weapons, and It would get me back in 2H weapons too. I do feel like 2 of the 5 current 1H skills would also be workable with 2h weapons, but its up to you guys <3


Green Slime
I dont find shadowclone to boost dps at all
As soon as you have a decent weapon, i find myself mostly just pummeling and using shadowclone (uncharged) when i feel i cant get in much more hits.

I also found some 2h skills could be "not 2h only", as for example the spinning slash.
For me the restriction of all skills to certain weapons is a "feature" which i dont like as much as the number of skills isnt that big. Having only a few skills bound to one kind of weapon would be more interesting as it would allow a little more diversity in skills and combat.
Also you could allow some charge levels only for a specific weapon kind to balance this stuff (shadow clone only bronze with 2h for example) this way the weapons would still vary heavily even when using the same skills.