A survival minigame for story / arcade challenge / arena co-op.


You enter a room with a ring of crystals around it.


As soon as you step inside, black lines of electricity connect the crystals to their neighbors. If you touch them, you're damaged.

Then the crystals begin to glow one of three colors at random, no set pattern. After a few seconds, the effect of that color happens - damaging you if you're not prepared for it. As time goes on, the game speeds up, and more or fewer crystals glow depending on their color.

Green: When crystals glow green, it means the area between them is the only safe area. Move into this safe zone, everywhere else is blasted with highly damaging energy. As time goes on, fewer green will illuminate.

Yellow: When crystals glow yellow, it means laser beams will connect every crystal that's glowing to every other crystal that's glowing. Avoid the path between them. As time goes on, more yellow will illuminate.

Red: When crystals glow red, it's the opposite of green. The areas between them are blasted with highly damaging energy. As time goes on, more red will illuminate.


I think this would be a fun Toy Factory train/bomb-type survival minigame. :) And pretty great to have a last-man-standing game against friends with at the arena.

Maybe add one extra crystal smack dab in the center if it's too easy?