A wild Grindear appears


Green Slime
Hey everyone !
Damn, dat game is good ... I had to register here and give my best words to the devs team. Imho it's already the game of the year (and it's a beta !) so, thank you so much for doing that =)
Otherise, I'm Deudeu, french player (Mostly Pokémon/Moba's atm) and ZiggyD brought me here :)
Happy to be a part of this community and looking forward playing with you !

(Ps : What are called the Grindea's ppl ?)
(Pps : I've read that some kind of traduction tool might be devellopped, I would be honored to translate this awesome game in french if this were to happen anytime)


Green Slime
Good too see another ZiggyD fan here =) I'm having a great time playing too, it really is a great game!