[Accessory] An equipment to make grinding more bearable

I'm all for rare drops like cards, but some of these are just ridiculous.

I get that they're supposed to be rare, but the way card drop rates are set up seem completely backwards to me. (The less common the enemy, the rarer the drop is the general trend, which makes grinding cards turn exponentially more tedious.)

I appreciate the loot potion, but 20% only does so much. (1.2% instead of 1% for an Elite on some cards.)

Now onto the suggestion:
As much as I disagree on the rarer enemies having less drop rate, it's obviously done on purpose and most likely won't change.

So instead I suggest an accessory: The Challenger Badge. What this does is make Elites much more common. Alternatively, a potion would work too. Multiple players wearing (or drinking) this stacks the effect.