Add a testing mode or command whereby players can test skill setups

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
As I just mentioned in another suggestion thread I've wanted to try out a few different builds without refunding all my skill points. If other players are interested, what I'd like is a command which gives players every item and pet, and unlocks the entire map and possibly finishes the story, so we can work on things like memorising attack patterns and how to cope with large groups of enemies. Possibly something similar with arcade, which allows you to practise in places like the flying fortress and seasonne without having to take the 20-30 minutes to get there in an actual run.

This could be used in conjunction with the /setlevel command to allow almost an instant replica of your character's build and situation.

Duplication of save files might also work, but won't give you the instant money to refund your skill points in case you tried something and it didn't work out.

Altogether it gives noobs like myself something to mess around with and a training ground in which I don't have to ace the first 3/4 floors of arcade time and time again so I can attempt "The Zoo" again.

Anyway, this is gonna require quit a bit of fleshing out if its gonna become a thing, and it feels like it's on some rickety ground. Open to alternative suggestions :D


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I can send you my save files if you want to practice monster patterns with all the different items and stuff like that. There are actually some commands to help you achieve this already like /respec (resets your skillpoints) and /equip (gives you some equipment) so all you need to do is play through the game once with a character and then you keep a backup of those save files in case you mess something up.

Here's the list with all the commands in the game: