An Increase in Gold Points


Green Slime
So I've run through the current story mode a few times now, and have 2 characters that are lvl 26 and 27+. Yet I only have enough gold points to max one skill, and an abundance of silver points that I'm not even using due to a lack of need for more skills that consume my already depleted EP.

So as a suggestion, either increasing the rate at which gold points are given at later levels, or having the option to convert X amount of silver points into gold points (i.e. 5 silver = 1 gold), would allow for having a second skill that scales well into the later part of the game.

My main gripe is that due to the current content out (I think) it gets REALLY hard to level up without grinding for hours for one level, yet I'd like to be able to use more than one skill at 3 charges by then.

Whether that would break balance or whatnot I don't know, but it would be nice to have some sort of increase in gold skill point generation at the current end game areas due to the massive increase in hp that the enemies have.