Attack Cancel Silver Charged Flamethrower?


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I don't know how many time by now that I've tried to cancel my Flamethrower by pressing attack instead of shield during the duration of the spell. I just think it feels weird to put up my shield in the middle of a fight where I'm not getting attacked to cancel my spell so I can regen some EP (I'm running the Talent that gives me EP back every time I hit something with my weapon) before I have to move (like when I'm fighting GUND4M and he's about to electrocute me). Is there a reason why this isn't a thing? Is it a bug?


Staff member
I don't think there was much reasoning why not to let it be attack cancelable, but rather that being the standard case!

Basically, we used the flamethrower and said "not being able to cancel this if you're attacked is a huge drawback". So we added the shield cancel as a defensive tool. I haven't thought about attack canceling from it, but if we're going to make hybrid builds more viable, that should certainly be possible :D

I'll write it down to the fixes we'll make in the coming skill patches!


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
Yeah I can see why you wouldn't want to cancel it but you can cancel both Normal and Bronze charge so when I suddenly couldn't cancel it in the Silver charge I was a little bit surprised. Most of the time I don't cancel the spell but sometimes I need to re-position or maybe change direction of my spell so to quickly cancel out of it with an attack or two, regen back some EP to make sure that I have enough EP to cast it again would be a nice feature. :p