Combat and skills: alternative insights


I. The Prologue

With the the upcoming skill system rework, there were several things circling around in my mind - sometimes it just takes a while until they turn into a presentable form if I don't give them my full attention. At first I was thinking about the most efficient way to analyze the current skills to find the flaws and balance them out, until it became apparent that it would require at least a weak full time work to do it properly without the background information of the basis those skills came to be in the first place. And while it does sound tempting, I should better not mess with my schedule - bad things happen to good people, if I do. It would require tedious testing to find out the numbers everything is based on and in the end I would still lack the exact knowledge of the back thoughts which made the skills what they are.

In short, I changed my approach to creating something like alternative chains of thoughts to consider. I'm fully aware that working on the same project over and over again may result in tunnel vision, when you start feeling like a hamster in a wheel, so fresh ideas and alternative perspective (which might coincide with the original ones, of course) may help finding the way that suits your requirements best - and those I am happy to provide.

II. The Setup

So, the game right now basically has three main modes that use their current skills. The Story Mode, the Hard Mode and the Arcade Mode. The essence of those three modes is inherently different and they provide gameplay for different types of players.

Story Mode
This is the basic mode, where the main aspect is obviously the story. The player is new to the game and continues to play to find out, what is there to see. He has no set goal except for just enjoying the content and having fun. The skills and combat represent a big chunk of the gameplay, but are not the player's focus. They provide the means for the player to develop his character and shape it to fit his own playstyle. Basically, fun is generated by exploring everything the game to offer, playing with friends, learning the game, meeting new characters and playing casually.

Hard Mode
This advanced Story Mode is supposed to give players a challenge. Here, the combat becomes the main focus and Skills and Equipment start to really matter. The player(s) no longer derive fun from exploring, but from managing to master the difficult challenges they get offered. The sense of achievement is what drives players, who focus on this mode. The skills are the tools that the player has to reach that goal.

Arcade Mode
The Arcade Mode's only difference to the Hard Mode in regard of satisfaction is, that the Hard Mode is finite. It can be completed and as soon as it is, the player is done and can drop the mic. The Arcade Mode however, is where the competitive aspect joins the fray. And as soon as that happens, the game is on as long as there are better players than yourself out there. Here, the combat is not only the main focus, it also matters how well you can theorycraft (or just copy others' builds).

While the things I explained may be obvious to some, it's still important to recall them as they are the basis for the skills' design or redesign. In each mode they serve different purposes and should be treated accordingly.

III. The Conclusion

So, what did we learn? The skills and combat are more important in some modes than in others. They require hardcore balancing in Arcade Mode to provide the player with what he needs to be able to contest other players, while they are only means to an end in the Story Mode.

This is why for the sake of balancing, I think the skills that can be used in those modes should be separated.

Think about it. You could take a certain, limited core set of skills into the Arcade Mode and perfectly balance them out. Then, you take that core, change it up to be more fun/flexible/crazy and add it to the Story Mode where balancing doesn't really matter. Plus, you have the creative freedom to conjure up new fun and crazy skills, add them to Story Mode all you like and they won't affect your precious hard earned Arcade Mode balancing at all!

Due to the different nature of the modes, Arcade Mode skills need balancing, Story Mode skills not necessarily. Sure, they shouldn't be completely wacky and out of this world, but even if they were, it won't matter as much as it has no influence on the sensitive Arcade Mode environment. That's most certainly the reason why Hearthstone has a Standard and Wild mode, why Starcraft ladder has different units than Campaign and so on. It's basically like PvE vs. PvP and Arcade Mode is sort of indirect PvP. It makes balancing easier for the parts that require it and simultaneously gives you the freedom to make the game rewarding for players who randomly pick skills with no clue about what they're doing.

The only outsider here, I guess, is the Hard Mode. It's actually more similar to the Arcade Mode than to the Story Mode in regard of the importance of combat, but unlike the Arcade Mode, you can influence your success by leveling, using pots and having proper equipment. So I think it would be fine to use the same kit in Story Mode and Hard Mode since in Hard Mode it's good if randomly picking skills doesn't work.

IV. The Approach

Having attended to that matter, I'd like to discuss ways to balance skills for the Arcade Mode. While I, too, enjoy just making up cool skills or realize neat ideas, in the Arcade Mode they would require a system backing them. It's fine and good having a sense of what might be right and wrong, but when you create skills based on the same system, they are more likely to turn out balanced, requiring minimal subsequent adjustment, than if you just make them up without any basis. Having said that, I don't have any information whether or not such a system exists for the current skills and trying to test everything myself, would, as I mentioned in the prologue, require a lot of time.

So, instead, I will give an example of how it could be done and try to explain why some of the current skills are much stronger than others.

The skills need some sort of a rating system to be able to compare them. Some way to say Skill A > Skill B. While it is almost impossible to solve it purely mathematically, you can create a rough rating system by taking major aspects of the skills' overall properties and bring them face to face. It does not matter much, if the rating system itself seems rough: as long as all skills are based off the same system, they will be balanced in contrast to each other. There are some exceptions of course, like skills that behave entirely different (those will need more attention and testing), but the core skills should be able to get balanced that way.

Let's at first take the properties into the rating system, where we can have actual numbers at first:

- stDPS (single-target Damage per Second)
- mtDPS (multi-target Damage per Second)
- Range

Those are the more obvious ones and can be compared almost directly. The mtDPS property rises with the number of enemies, even exponentially for some skills, of course, but the point here is to create some kind of 1-10 system to estimate the skills and put them on a scale. Since we also need to compare skills that cost Energy with auto-attacking or pets, we can't take the Energy Cost itself as a rating criteria.

Another property I would like to call Availability. This property basically tells you, how often you can use a skill, before you're forced to do something else, as in wait for EP to regenerate. Then, I would add the property Control - this tells you, how well you are able to utilize the skill without taking damage yourself by controlling enemies. Similar to Control, there should also be a Mobility property - this how well you are able to avoid damage, without influencing enemies when utilizing that skill. And lastly, Reliability - this property rates how likely a skill is to hit its target, covering for the possibility of using your EP, but failing to do any damage. There may be more valid criteria and more precise ones if you know the origin of the skills, which I don't, but I think those criteria will do for now.

Another problem hindering the rating's accuracy is comparing the criteria themselves to each other since not all properties are equal. When tweaking a skill by raising one property, it might be not as effective as raising another. But that is the nature of design: there is no right solution. Having been a perfectionist all my life, who tweaks and tinkers until it satisfies, I had to learn that perfect design results aren't always good as they sometimes might lack the soul, appearing perfect but sterile, devoid of life. Games have to be alive and imperfect - flaws are what makes them beautiful and charismatic. It's the (not really) ancient question of whether or not game design is an art or a science. Well, after straying a bit to invigorate the otherwise probably dry reading, I shall continue.

We have now our Frankenstein rating system:

- stDPS
- mtDPS
- Range
- Availability
- Reliability
- Mobility
- Control

And even with that makeshift system we can easily see, why, for example, Flamethrower is overpowered. Let's for example try to rate Heroic Slam, one of the basic 2-handed Abilities based on that system. My interpretation would be as follows:

Heroic Slam

stDPS: 8
mtDPS: 10
Range: 5
Availability: 2
Reliability: 7
Mobility: 2
Control: 7

Rating: 41


stDPS: 7
mtDPS: 8
Range: 4
Availability: 7
Reliability: 8
Mobility: 10
Control: 9

Rating: 53

Having seven categories, max 10 points each, theoretically an average skill would be worth 35 points. Both skills are above average, but Flamethrower is well beyond. The reason why I gave it a 7 in Availability despite theoretically empty EP after one use is that you can turn it off at will, saving precious EP if you screw up the direction and because EP can regenerate while you're dealing damage. You can't do that with Heroic Slam. Overall, Flamethrower excels at all the important aspects of survivability in Arcade Mode: Mobility (avoid Damage by moving), Control (avoid Damage by moving enemies) and DPS (clearing enemies quickly for points). The only reason it's so good in control, is that enemies are pushed back by every damage they take. To balance it, its rating has to be lowered by at least 10 points, which is not easy to do without nerf the skill into the ground. Lowering mobility and DPS would be a good start.

Now, let's rate some skills that are underused:

Ice Nova

stDPS: 1
mtDPS: 3
Range: 4
Availability: 4
Reliability: 8
Mobility: 5
Control: 9

Rating: 34

According to the rating, it's about average, but we all know it's a bad skill. This is what I meant by the varying importance of single parameters. In order the skill to be useful, it needs to have higher DPS and availability (lower EP cost).

Chain Lightning

stDPS: 2
mtDPS: 5
Range: 3
Availability: 4
Reliability: 8
Mobility: 5
Control: 3

Rating: 30

It's unbelievable, but it actually got a worse rating than Ice Nova. I guess it's because they're similar except for the control aspect, where Chain Lightning is supposed to be strong in mtDPS, which is currently not the case, though. When testing, I needed about 30 EP to kill 4 Enemies with Flame Thrower, whereas it wasn't enough to empty the EP bar to kill them with Chain Lightning.

Let's try rating Frosty Friend. Summons are probably those skills which will always require special attention and tweaking when balancing since they can't be put into some categories.

Frosty Friend

stDPS: 5
mtDPS: 3
Range: 10
Availability: 6
Reliability: 4
Mobility: 10
Control: 7

Rating: 45

My logic is that since he acts without your input, the Range and Mobility are basically unlimited. Availability takes into account that he blocks out a huge chunk of EP, but also that he becomes unavailable if he dies. Control is high because enemies target him instead of its master. Altogether, not as high a rating as Flame Thrower, but still pretty decent. Since his Mobility and Range basically can't be nerfed, perhaps lowering his Control is a possibility by aggroing only damaged enemies on him. He only seems slightly overpowered, though.

Well, I could go on with other skills, but this thread has taken me already about 3 hours to write (while testing in the background), so I will stop now. Point is, there is a way to align all skills to each other based on a system, rather than making them from scratch and balancing afterwards. But since they're already there, it might be done this way. And don't forget considering the skill kit separation.


PS: I was also thinking about Support Skills, but I don't have the energy right now to finish it, but maybe next time. Hope this helps!
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Interesting that you put Heroic Slam below Flamethrower. It's instant, can 1-hit or 2-hit kill any enemy in the game at gold charge (even on hard mode), has a relatively quick charge time, isn't easily animation interrupted, does heavy burst, great knockback, can interrupt most enemies and completely destroys every boss.

Flamethrower is seen as the king of skills because it's used by arcade score runners. Arcade cuts off at Season Temple. What's beyond that?

Enemies that don't flinch from taking damage. Enemies with massive amounts of HP. Enemies that rocket around faster than you can move while flameflying, or run away from you leaving deadly trails faster than you can chase. Enemies that blind you, making it harder to get out the field and see where your attackers are with reduced movespeed. Enemies that rapidly jump into the air and become invulnerable, making them better for burst rather than a stream of damage. Enemies that become invulnerable by burrowing underground, digging under you, which you have increased difficulty avoiding due to the slow movespeed.

And then there's the bosses. Priestess? You barely get a moment to charge or stand still, flying is too slow - you'll take heavy damage. Gigaworms have little, difficult to kill minions burrowing around everywhere. The mimic outright ends you if you try to DPS burst it.

Trying to flamethrow with a normal echo of madness, much less an elite one, on screen with other enemies is complete hell.

I'd rather we hold off on beating it with a nerf stick until we see how it performs in the new four floors. Something tells me physical burst is going to work a lot better vs all the tanky enemies.


If you compare it that way, you could see it like using Heroic Slam, bursting out your damage and then running around until you get EP, while you can run around and deal your damage with Flame Thrower at the same time. And in Arcade Mode time matters. Based on rating criteria, they are similar with the difference of Flame Thrower having more mobility and availability, while Heroic Slam doesn't, since its animation being uninterruptable can also backfire: with Flame Thrower you can back out if you make a mistake (which is why I gave HS low mobility), saving EP in the process (availability). But yeah, it will be interesting to see how the new floors will be received.


Staff member
The reasoning behind having different balancing for Arcade vs. Story is sound, but we still would want to avoid that if at all possible. In our opinion, there's something... jarring with having the same thing function differently! I thought the same when playing Starcraft 2, but they made an e-sport game so they didn't have much choice. I don't think we're necessarily in the same boat!

I think your rating system is quite interesting! As you say, it might need some weighing of the properties to give a more directly comparable score, but it's still a good baseline.

Right now, just before the advent of the support skills, we won't do any balancing, but there is the Big Balance Pass awaiting after the support skills are finally in! Let's continue the discussion at that point. Apart from looking at each skill individually (and in relation), we're planning to do a bunch of rather radical changes to ASPD/CSPD, magic wand attacks and EP regen to spice things up!


I don't think we're necessarily in the same boat!
Yeah, I wasn't saying you need to be as balanced as Starcraft: Brood War - nothing is ever going to beat that perfect balance, not even Blizzard themselves were able to do that with Starcraft 2. :D I only meant that when the competetive aspect joins the fray, there needs to be some kind of system core skills can be based off to have a solid ground to build on.

we're planning to do a bunch of rather radical changes to ASPD/CSPD
Ah, I see, you're going to fearlessly tackle the core itself first! :D In that case the skills come afterwards, of course. Looking forward to see the results!

Edit: Also, even though the balance doesn't need to be e-sports level, some competetive players take that stuff really seriously once they start to go down that road. Especially considering that SoG is most popular in China, there needs to be a very solid foundation to support the competetive spirit of those players.
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Staff member
PS: I was also thinking about Support Skills, but I don't have the energy right now to finish it, but maybe next time.

While I said that the balance discussion should be put on hold for a while, this will be topical quite soon, so if you find the energy feel free to post about that :D

Regarding the competitive aspect, the way the game is played makes it so that it doesn't really matter if stuff is perfectly balanced, because all competing players enter the mode with the same circumstances, playing against the game rather than against each other.

If a certain set of skills work better in Arcade Mode due to the nature of the skill in context to the rules of the mode, then... that will just be a good skill in the mode, for everyone. It's great if there is decent variety in how people can play, but I don't think the competitive nature of getting high scores relies on all, or even most, skills being perfectly balanced! (as long as we have three good skills to be our ZTP ;) )


If Single Skill Mode (if that's going to be a thing in New Arcadia) gets it's own leaderboards for each skill, there being a few OP builds won't matter too much. Each skill has the opportunity to shine.

Also if in multiplayer, build variety offers a score multiplier. Every shared skill between allies = -1% to end score, or something. Four people using the same exact build to get the top scores is a bit of a dull prospect. :p


Regarding the competitive aspect, the way the game is played makes it so that it doesn't really matter if stuff is perfectly balanced, because all competing players enter the mode with the same circumstances, playing against the game rather than against each other.

If a certain set of skills work better in Arcade Mode due to the nature of the skill in context to the rules of the mode, then... that will just be a good skill in the mode, for everyone.
While this is certainly 100% correct, wouldn't you agree that it feels more rewarding using your own build to reach that goal instead of trying various builds, failing and then returning to the one build that works best to get you the highest score? I mean, I'm not much of a competitive player, so maybe I'm just completely wrong and those players don't care about a build being their own as long as it works.

Also if in multiplayer, build variety offers a score multiplier. Every shared skill between allies = -1% to end score, or something. Four people using the same exact build to get the top scores is a bit of a dull prospect. :p
This is a very interesting idea, but somewhat of a lazy workaround solution to the actual problem (that may, or may not be there :p).


Okay, I promise, I'll try to keep that one short. Basically, I had around 4 days of free time to come up with a similar approach, but since I wasn't able to do that and will be starting to work on my next milestone on Monday, I likely won't have the time to do so before the issue is already out of date. So, I'll just share a couple of things my thoughts were evolving around and call it a day.

V(1). Support Skills

There was a ton of different threads about that topic where there was interesting discussion and a lot of valuable input, but as far as I remember everyone, including myself, was approaching the issue with the assumption, that support skills should be "as good" as the other skills.

So, recently I thought "What if that thought pillar of support skills needing to be on par with the other skills would drop out?" Suddenly, possibilities open up like, for example, support skills requiring only 6 skill points to max out, or maybe even 4.

They could be skills, that any build could incorporate without having to commit a big amount of skill points that could have otherwise be spent for damaging skills. And if there are players, who really want to pick support skills only, they will have a big kit to work with, utilizing it to fit the situation. And if there are then support skills, that are useless in certain situations, it's probably not a big deal since the player likely still has enough points in other skills that he can use. Support skills are situational, no matter how you look at it, so perhaps having various "weaker" situational skills may result in an overall well-rounded kit to make use of.

This is by no means the ultimate solution, but perhaps by completing the chain of thought, something can be made out of it.

V(2). Support Skills Too (see what I did there? :fish:)

Another small issue, that I wanted to address, was the potential effectiveness of, let's take Haste for example, in single player vs. multiplayer. I think it was G-Meister, who stated, that if you use such a skill alone, it's not as effective as when several players benefit from it. He then proposed several options for an equal distribution between players, which I think was a good idea. I don't remember if the following was among those options, but if trying to apply the term "equal distribution" literally, you may make the skill read something like this

"Increases ASPD and CSPD by 60%, distributing the amount between affected players."

This basically means that if the player hits only himself with the skill, he will receive a 60% boost. 2 players will receive a 30% increase each. 3 players will receive 20% and 4 players will receive 15%. Yes, you got me, I conveniently took the number 60 to have a number dividable evenly by 2, 3 and 4 :p Anyway, this way the overall effectiveness wouldn't increase with the amount of players. And other ally-based support skills could work that way too.

There are, of course, things to consider like the scaling of enemies' HP in multiplayer and so on, but that's not for me to consider.

PS: Sorry, if I upset anyone earlier - social skills aren't my forte. Have a nice day!


I suggested support skills capping out at 5 points a while back, because... they're support skills. They're there to compliment a playstyle. You shouldn't be solely focusing the entirety of your skill distrubtion into being really good at raising defense. :p

Also I'm not seeing the point in dividing buffs between # players targeted, seeing as this isn't an MMO with PvP. It's not like there's a difference in single-player characters getting +50% DEF and four characters getting +50% DEF in terms of balance, monsters and bosses get stat increases the more of you there are.


Whoops, guess I've missed that. Great minds think alike ;)

Regarding the distribution: I'm surprised you picked an MMO as an example. The first thing I thought was Bloodlust from WoW, which is a flat 40% increase for anyone, who gets the buff - in PvP as well. But that aside, as I mentioned in the beginning, those are just some additional unfinished thoughts on that matter, that may or may not provide the devs with something they deem appropriate for their idea of the game. Which is why I also said, that the enemies' scaling in multiplayer is not for me to consider.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Damn, this thread's a juicy one.

Firstly, liking the formatting. A well structured argument makes for better reading, and has certainly saved time for me while I'm catching up on 2 months worth of forum posts :D
III. The Conclusion
I'd follow the same line of reasoning as Teddy in this scenario. I would assume it would be more of a smooth transition from story-hard and hard-arcade the greater number of transferrable skills you have - both literally and figuratively. Keeping the skills constant across all modes makes it more accessible for players jumping from one to another.

Having said that, changes in one place or another can keep things more fresh for people, and skills could be one of those aspects. I guess it's more of a case of "how close to we want this game mode to be to all the other game modes?". Mainly - do you balance the skills around the mode or the mode around the skills?
V(1). Support Skills
This is probably hypocritical, but I'm liking the idea of 5 skill points. The less important a support skill is the less people focus on them, and the more they are focused on the combat. I guess it's just a little disappointing you can't do a full support skills run... or can you?! Just gotta wait for implementations now I guess :p