Extensive Menu and Information (by ragnarokio and me)


Handsome Moderator
A few weeks ago i thought to myself why is there and ingame Database for enemies, but not for NPCs/Characters.

So in the menu section 'Journal' there could be a new sub-category containing Infos about all the NPCs.
- Background story
- Where are they now and are they still alive (or better the last known state of each as the player just remember but cannot know it otherwise)
- relation to the Player (Relation: Dad, Relation: Boss)

And while we're at it
User 'ragnarokio' suggested clarity in game mechanics.
I support that idea as i wonder myself sometimes and think that another sub-category in the 'Journal' might be perfect for it. Like in FireEmblem there could be a Tutorial/Game Mechanics category in which all that is "learned" by the player is explained further and with additions.
So the player can get infos the don't have to be said by the bag. Useful for a little more indepth explanation on everything.
And it could be explained as part of a Journal that Dad made and gave you, but Bag insist that real collecters have to make their own experiences and only gives you the pages/infos that the player "already learned".

So why make a new Thread if i could post just under ragnarokios Thread? Because it not just a comment, but rather the adopted idea, which i already gave form some time ago.
This is not:
His idea is ok, i guess, it should look like this to be cool
It is:
Hey i had this idea about extended ingame database and ragnarokio postet a cool idea which fits this perfectly.

What i should not be: an ingame wiki