Housing Exporting And Importing

We can save and load the housing template on a single save. I would like to suggest a functionality that allows us to import this template into other characters' save files. Obviously it shouldn't allow us to export the actual furniture since a lot of it is unique and is rewarded for quests and challenges, but if I could at least have a button that will autobuy purchasable furniture and quantum lumber if I have the money and then place what I have - I'd be happy.

I made this 4 bedroom mansion that I love dearly and am proud of, but to be honest decorating it was the kind of journey where all the fun was in the destination rather than the journey itself. I liked figuring out the layouts, caringly and lovingly placing every little drawer and souvenir, but now that I have finished it and got the end result, I don't really want to put all the furniture in the same places all over again from scratch for the same result. And I don't want a different result for these characters because I like this mansion and just want more of my characters to have access to it. I'm willing to endure farming hundreds of thousands of gold on every new character because I don't see any reasonable way around it (can't just materialize all that expensive furniture on a fresh character now, can we?), but if I could at least have the ability to click a button, export a layout, and have it auto-build the rooms and autoplace everything in that exact same way on those other characters, I'd be very grateful.

Maybe we could even share those online or something.