If no Level Sync option in multiplayer, at least a warning?


If the host is Level 1-2 and someone joins that is 6+ levels over, perhaps putting a message in the lobby / on screen that they should create a new character for this adventure to avoid unbalancing it for the host would be good advice. :p

Similarly, a warning for someone who is 10+ levels beneath the host should possibly receive a warning that they may want to level up some in the earlier areas to avoid dying a lot.

Sooome people like joining fresh games and with fresh players, using level 20 characters and showing off. The game subtly calling them out for it would be a nice way to give the host a head's up. :D

Also, am I missing the option, or is there a way to boot out people who join your game? /Boot P(2-4) would be helpful for people who allow anyone to join into their game via IP or Steam.


Staff member
Also, am I missing the option, or is there a way to boot out people who join your game? /Boot P(2-4) would be helpful for people who allow anyone to join into their game via IP or Steam.

It's just a bit secret like many other chat commands! One day I'll have to make the chat start with a message like... "Press Enter to chat! Type /commands for a list of commands"

Anyway, type /kick and it will list your friends by their numbers, then you type /kick # to kick them.