Make WindSlash not underly useless


Green Slime
First of all i would think that the arrows need to have a fixed starting angle.
That would make you able to cast it by using your timing (and practise as it goes with that).
At the moment, you always have a random angle (or is it depending on your direction?) which makes it hard to pull it off quickly. Often i miss the first chance to hit due to that.

Then i thought of something similar to this suggestion but more in the way "Frozen Orb" works in Diablo 2.

Cast -> Release -> Blades fly (maybe change to little storms?) -> Blades keep shooting little projectiles
On bronze charge maybe 2 projectiles in 90° angle from the flying direction? Short range, just to enable multiple hits and make easier aiming + aoe
On silver charge maybe 4 in 45° angle with a little more range
On gold (when its implemented somewhen) they could explode in a bigger radius with particles flying all over or so

Just a thought i had