Some proofreading and some questions so far:
Misc texts:
- Looks like the "alright" in Spookington_Bag04 was already fixed!
- The "might" in Spookington_Joe01 was also fixed!
- Spookington_SecondWelcome03 should have a female version, even in english.
- Unfortunately, speech bubbles/misc texts continue to be an issue when translating every time the player is addressed directly, or when "kid" is being mentioned. For example in Spookington_SecondWelcome01 I had to translate it with "How could anyone do this..." which in this case fits well, but I remember other instances where workarounds just sound odd (since Remedi's woods quest). Or, in Spookington_Bag07 "kid" had to be cut. Sorry for mentioning this issue every update

But I can't not.
- Cutscene_MeetSpengler02, 20 of 23: effectingly -> effectively
- Cutscene_F3Intro01, 10 of 13: shows up -> show up, since he's talking about both (plural)
- Cutscene_MixeGiveQuest03, 11 of 11 : As no one is currently singing, shouldn't it be composition/melody instead of song? Or was there originally someone singing the piece who died?
- Cutscene_MixeGiveQuest04: Here Mixe says "Security" is written on the back, but the item description says it's written on both sides.
- Although it doesn't start with Cutscene_, Mac_GotItem03, 2 of 2 considers multiplayer while Kiy_GotItem02, 3 of 3 doesn't.
- Inspect_Kitchen_JournalSufeLay: 1 of 11 was changed to Cook but 3 and 4 still have chef in them.
Some thoughts:
- At the beginning of the quest Mixe tasks you to gather her staff under the premise of testing a theory for her, which is also mentioned in the quest description. However, because of that, it's kinda weird at the end that she matter-of-factly takes it as a given, not saying something like "What do you know, it actually worked" or something and just hands you over the key.
- Being the shortcut-loving/inquiring mind that Bag is, it would make sense for him to ask Mixe, when she explains what to do, as to why she didn't test her theory herself already if she has all the items needed for that anyway. Maybe she was afraid to stop bartending in order not to get lost herself in case her theory is correct?
- In Spookington_Marino02, is he supposed to say nothing or is it a forgotten placeholder? Maybe some variation of "What you did wasn't noble at all. But it's never too late to become a better person by learning from past mistakes."