Meaning clarifications


Giga Slime
Thanks for all the proof reading!
Sure thing!

This is the issue of needing to differentiate gender and stuff right?
That, and multiplayer. 95% of the speech bubbles in question would only make use of the local_male/local_female condition when "kid" is mentioned or 2+ players (+ Otherwise) condition when player(s) are addressed directly. So, I don't know if implementing all conditions would be necessary (at least not for russian) but those mentioned would be a great help to increase the translation quality of speech bubbles or dialogue snippets in general!


Staff member
Short version: Tsreaper is correct!
Long version: Endasil bought the item-tier but said we didn't need to make an item for him. So we thought it would be a bit poetic to slap his nickname on the cube of randomness!


What's the dating method in the Grindea world? I've seen A.C. in the journal of the flying temple, which I believe is the abbreviation of "After Cataclysm". However in misc texts > Books > TipsForAspiringCollectors_Page01 I've also seen A.D. which seems to be the "Anno Domini" in the real world. What's the relationship between them?

Also, in TipsForAspiringCollectors_Page02 and TipsForAspiringCollectors_Page03 quotes from both Charlotte and Dad are recorded in the book in 988 A.D., while the birthday of my character shown in the game menu is 2-6-1081. So Dad is about 100 years old?


Giga Slime
What's the dating method in the Grindea world? I've seen A.C. in the journal of the flying temple, which I believe is the abbreviation of "After Cataclysm". However in misc texts > Books > TipsForAspiringCollectors_Page01 I've also seen A.D. which seems to be the "Anno Domini" in the real world. What's the relationship between them?
According to Teddy, this one seems to be a typo and is indeed supposed to be A.C.

Also, in TipsForAspiringCollectors_Page02 and TipsForAspiringCollectors_Page03 quotes from both Charlotte and Dad are recorded in the book in 988 A.D., while the birthday of my character shown in the game menu is 2-6-1081. So Dad is about 100 years old?
That's a nice catch! I wonder if it's a hint or a mistake.


Staff member
The AD thing was indeed a typo, and the years were sort of improvised - the texts that exists in the game right now were made as a test to see if such a book would translate well into our "book" UI! For when the book can be accessed by players, a few extra pages will be added (and the dates will be fixed, of course!)