Monster Codex additions


Green Slime
There are a few minor additions to the codex that I'd like to see, though they are by no means important, just a few things that would be kinda cool to have.
First, I think a kill count would be pretty nice, to see how many enemies of a certain type you've killed. That would let you compare how much more time you've spent farming for an item or just roaming around in a certain area than a friend. Or it would allow you lament on how bad your drop luck is. The possibilities are endless!
Second, it would definitely be good to see more stats about the enemies, such as attack and defence, as well as how enemies are beefed up on the hard difficulty. Right now, enemies obviously take more hits to defeat on hard, but why is that? More HP, a higher defence? This might also allow you to find a strategy to beat or farm a certain enemy type that gives you some trouble.
And third, I think displaying the drop rate of an item might be a good idea, too. Not necessarily in clear perfecentages, if you feel like that would "demystify" an unknown item too much, you might make it a rather vague description, like "Uncommon" and "Rare", or maybe just display it for already obtained items, but either way, it would allow players to decide whether or not it could be worth it to farm an enemy to get that one last unknown item they need. Also this would go very well together with the kill count I suggested, so a player can see if they were particularly lucky or unlucky and how much time they'll need to invest to kill enough monsters for the item to drop.