Port Monnaie sidequest.


Dining Dasher

Deliveries have come in from all over the world for a taste of Port Monnaie's sweet treats! ... Unfortunately, they've added ingredients to the icecream that reacts poorly to phase plate technology, melting instantly. The icecream also melts in about (#) minutes after being received, so run fast!

You are given one of twenty options of side-NPCs to deliver an icecream to, indicated only by their name. These can be miners, Fae, Evergrindeans, people in Startington - even random people like the icefishing girl or the fisherman in Pillar Mountains! You'll be given 2,000 gold if you succeed, but must incur a 500 gold fee if you fail. Deliver 10 icecreams successful to get a large, upsidedown filled icecream cone hat for your head.

Suggested NPCs:

- Icefisher girl.
- 2 cavelings.
- A miner.
- 2 Santa Fae faes.
- An Evergrindan.
- 2 Collectors HQ members.
- 2 Startingtonites.
- Pillar Mountains fisher.
- A West Evergrinder.
- A South Evergrinder.
- A Seasonne person.
- 2 desert dwellers.
- 2 particularly lazy Port Monnaie folks.