Skipping the fight against Marino in the new Frontline


Green Slime
I don't think we should be able to skip the new battle against Marino in the desert. It's possible to Blink passed the trigger for the cutscene and skip it. I Still have to look around in the desert for the sidequests but for now the new content looks fun.



It's possible to skip the season hydras with the same trick, they actually said they might leave it in for speedrunners. :chicken:


I'd be alright if there was a legit way to skip these fights, but skipping an arbitrary trigger is outright exploiting a bug :fish:
There's a similar (probably still not reported officially) exploit with Phaseman, where you can skip opening the second lock in the big door, which doesn't make sense at all. Well, not like it completely breaks the game for me :bag:


It's possible to skip the season hydras with the same trick, they actually said they might leave it in for speedrunners. :chicken:

That's a shame, if they do leave such a simple skip in for the sole purpose of having a skip. The hydras are one of the more visually impressive fights in the game.

I don't like the idea of being able to skip important parts of the game so easily for speedruns. If some complex method is discovered after release, sure, but 'use this skill here and speedrunners get to skip a genuinely cool battle' just sounds boring. Something that sounds dull and like poor game design if it gets explained during an AGDQ event.


I'm fairly certain that the Hydra fight is unskippable as of recent, and I know for a fact that the Marino S skip was patched, so there's no need to fret.