SOG Memes!

The first thing I thought when they started running:


Works only if you played the german version of Secret of Mana ;P

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
I feel FaZeman needed a final update... I need a high quality avatar! Know what I'm sayin'?

Strengthened the highlights, dealwithit visor and a shadow to the text:



Giga Slime
That bag one is priceless... I have a feeling I'll be using it everywhere

[Edit]: Wait... You're already dead aren't you? o_O

I looked at the bag one again, and died for the 54495489th time. Again.
Well. I am death reincarnated. Perhaps I am dead, but am I really dead if I am death & look so human?
...Okay let me stop being confusing. I threw myself into a loop.