Stacking the skill that reduces the amount EP spent to balance sword and magic


Green Slime

I've played with both roles: swordman and mage. The damage dealt by characters that uses swords and magic skills is now unbalanced. Swordman deals much more damage.
Maybe to help with this matter, the skill that reduces the EP spent every time one uses a spell of a different element could be stacked if the player uses one skill of each element. This way the player would have to think in which skills invest considering the four elements in order to perform a good combo.

Hope you consider this suggestion.

I've played with both roles: swordman and mage. The damage dealt by characters that uses swords and magic skills is now unbalanced. Swordman deals much more damage.
Maybe to help with this matter, the skill that reduces the EP spent every time one uses a spell of a different element could be stacked if the player uses one skill of each element. This way the player would have to think in which skills invest considering the four elements in order to perform a good combo.

Hope you consider this suggestion.
1) I disagree, my character is a static touch and shadowclone mix -- and using magic equipment rather than physical equipment, making myself a very magic focused battle mage, was the highest damaging combination. In conjunction with this, the use of the second wind talent provides me with all the EP I could ever hope to use.

2) I may be missunderstanding what you're saying but couldn't someone just spam two different elemental spells back to back to eventually get 0 EP spells?
Or are you saying that if you cycle through the four elements it'll stack to a max of four?
Either way, in the current point of time, it's practically only possible to get two maxed skills, and any two skills usually have very little to no synergy.
Plus the talent would have to be rebalanced in order for it to not be overpowered, or possibly underpowered, and since they are planning on adding Utility focused talents, I think we should wait until after they add those talents before calling for a talent rebalance -- especially since they will be asking us, the frontline players, what our opinions on talents are.