Steam Usernames and Steam Group


Green Slime
Steam ID: rinfur - Name pops up as 'Rin'.
Lookin' forward to trying out story or arcade mode with someone, it's just way more fun.


Green Slime
Should anyone give a poop about playing some time, I wouldn't mind giving Arcade mode a shot. I've pretty much done 100% of the currently available Story mode with my primary character for that, though I wouldn't mind making a new character to try out a different build or so. My time zone is EST, should that hold any relevance.

My Steam ID is: skmattso


Green Slime
Steam ID: Tora
I use the same profile picture here on steam, should make it easier to find me :p
If you wanna join my steam group find me on there and ask me! it's called "The Grinding Community" cause yah know, we're all grinders here :p


Green Slime
Hello! I'm looking for people to play arcade mode with, i've already beaten the story mode, but wouldn't mind doing it again :D.

Steam ID : Coreen10


Green Slime
Any germans here? :D
I dont mind if people from other countries add me on Steam ( Steam name : Bl4ckschaf )
I'm still missing this goddamn bee card, already killed like 1 mill. bees -_- someone wants to grind them with me? xD
And Im looking for Arcade mates :)
Add me to play :3