Suggestion #1: Change the cloud


Green Slime
Hello there!

The evolving stages of the cloud seem odd to me:

The first stage (mana cost 15, 'Bronze I') is a small cloud, then (mana cost 35, 'Bronze II') there is a bigger cloud, and the third stage (mana cost 50, 'Silver I') is a small cloud again - lets me think 'huh?'

It's quite odd for me, because I feel like a stronger lvl3 cloud has to be at least as big as the lvl2 cloud. What's the reason?

I would change that: Bronze: small cloud; Silver: bigger cloud (& Gold: even more bigger cloud! Maybe dark & stormy?)



Handsome Moderator
The LV3 cloud is abug and is not implemented and when you level to 3 it goes to 1 again but costs for 3
that is the case with nearly every skill right now


Green Slime
Oh, I see! Well, in that case there is no further discussion needed and I'll just wait for the update ;-)