[Suggestion] Add utility to Static Touch for auto-attack builds


I was noticing that a couple of times but haven't thought much about it but now I just have a half-an-hour-season-mage-card-farming-spree with an auto-attack build behind me and here's the feedback:

I am using Static Touch as an additional damage source for a 1-handed Mirror Image attack speed build and currently it's really hard to keep the cubes alive. I am using Spirit Slash to refresh the active cubes, but you have to always manage the remaining cubes vs. energy left since if you run low on both, it's very likely that the buff will end and you have to resummon the cubes. I am also using that talent, that refreshes energy with auto-attacks but sometimes even that is not enough. While it is indeed possible to rotate between auto-attacking and using skills to keep the cubes alive, I don't find it very enjoyable since it kinda becomes a matter of concentration and constant darting of eyes between the cubes around you and your energy bar. All the while you also try to evade the enemies attacks and projectiles and so on. And all of this gets even more complicated when I try to keep the Haste buff alive, that does not grant static cubes when cast.

Currently cubes can be generated by, obviously, recasting the spell which is not efficient at all, by using a melee skill or a spell which makes you vulnerable for getting hit by enemies and by performing a perfect block, which also makes you stop in your tracks, interrupting the farming flow. What I would like to suggest is an additional choice for the player to add cubes.

(Maybe only as long as the cubes are glowing red) 1 cube should be added every 5th auto-attack for 1h or every 3rd auto-attack for 2h. This would give the player the choice between refilling the cubes by skills or spells, while risking to get hit, but resulting in more damage output or trying to evade the enemies' attacks and projectiles, while darting around and auto-attacking.

This change would allow for Static Touch to be paired with Berserker Style builds an/or such builds as with Mirror Image, where the images of course also count as melee attacks, allowing the player to keep the cube amount constant. Overall, keeping the buff alive would feel less like a "difficult job" and would make farming while using Static Touch more relaxing and enjoyable. And it would still require skill not to get hit, to keep auto-attack cube regeneration alive.


Green Slime
Having to constantly keep pressure on the enemy would be a nice alternative. Maybe balance it where cubes drop more drastically when you're damaged so that sometimes you still have to recast?


Green Slime
I had the same issue, had to keep putting it back on and it gets annoying mid-battle. Would love the ability to keep it up from auto-attacks.


Staff member
It is quite frustrating to keep it up sometimes!

A possible variant might be to have the final power level of the cubes not give more power, but instead automatically replace spent cubes, so that as long as you can keep them at max power without getting hit you won't have to replenish them.

(Disclaimers: I haven't put a massive amount of thought into that alternative)


Well, the problem with having auto-replacing cubes at gold charge only still makes it a poor choice for auto-attack builds, that have another skill at max. My proposition was actually aiming at Static Touch being a viable option at silver charge already as a supporting damage source. I think the rest of the skill is fine - I haven't tried gold charge yet, but I assume it will be even more difficult to keep it active since they trigger even more often at gold.


Oooh, you're right. My apologies. In my defense, I just finished the game to 100%, so I was slightly distracted being happy :D

Edit: Yes, not having to replenish them while avoiding to get hit sounds really good!