Patch 0.600a - Stable incoming!
Summary: This release is mostly about various bug- and quality of life fixes. The most significant changes are probably the menu stuff, which now lets you equip style weapons and style shields that override the appearance of your actual weapon and shield.
Oh, by the way, you probably want to backup your entire %APPDATA%/Secrets of Grindea folder before trying this patch out. The risk is small, but something might go wrong as I've changed up how the game detects save files. Before, there was a master save record in a separate file, but this actually made the save system much less reliable. If the save record was lost, the game would get very confused. Now, the save record is constructed on load from the CHA and WLD files found in AppData.
Anyway, onto the notes:
Bug Fixes
Next Patch, 0.601a: Currently waiting for some real heavy animation assets, so I'll likely be tinkering with getting the translation tools integerated into Steam Workshop for easier authoring and distribution.
Summary: This release is mostly about various bug- and quality of life fixes. The most significant changes are probably the menu stuff, which now lets you equip style weapons and style shields that override the appearance of your actual weapon and shield.
Oh, by the way, you probably want to backup your entire %APPDATA%/Secrets of Grindea folder before trying this patch out. The risk is small, but something might go wrong as I've changed up how the game detects save files. Before, there was a master save record in a separate file, but this actually made the save system much less reliable. If the save record was lost, the game would get very confused. Now, the save record is constructed on load from the CHA and WLD files found in AppData.
Anyway, onto the notes:
- You can now use Style Weapons and Style Shields
- A tag system has been added for all the skills to help new players better get a grasp of their intended use
- Pets have been made significantly easier to obtain
- The Skill menu has gotten a visual update on the Melee and Magic sections
- The Equipment menu has gotten a visual update
- Non-rune puzzle blocks can now be pushed even after a puzzle has been solved
- You can now cancel targeted charges (Meteor/Earth Spike/Throw) by attacking or using the shield
- Chilling Touch and Burning Weapon are now affected by the Crippling Blast talent
- Surviving enemies at the end of chicken challenges will now die when the challenge ends
- EP Regen has been changed to speed up all parts of the regen process (buff)
- Phaseman's Boots DEF bonus has been reduced to compensate for the improved EP regen
- To avoid confusion, the maximum Completion % is now set to 100 % (load and exit a character to update)
- The 'Waiting for other players' prompt is a bit bigger now
- Enemies now respawn a bit differently, with longer fade in time and slight delays to make multiple spawns a bit less jarring
- The character select will now attempt to create its data from the actual save files, rather than what's saved in main.dtt
- The Silver Charged plant no longer stuns enemies, and deals a bit less damage
- The Arcade Mode salesman no longer sells Plasma Bracelets, but can sell red wands and a robe now
- The Plant Silver Charge should no longer try to murder chickens
- People should seriously not get stuck in Waiting for players after cutscenes now...
- The Hydra headbutts should now be able to hit players regardless of their positioning
- The trivia on the Character tab should now have proper spacing even when using translations
- Fixed a very critical bug where you could unintentionally zone to the Toy Machine boss prematurely, getting stuck
- Players should no longer randomly enter the Quicklevel menu without pressing the button
- Timed out Steam network requests should no longer show up as 'Connection Failed! Reason X' on the host
- The game should no longer crash when typing something with a { but no } in chat
- Puzzle blocks should no longer end up at the wrong spot when rewinding them after a 'crush safe' has triggered
- Coming into a certain room in Temple of Seasons from the top and directly running to the side no longer cause out of bounds
- The item amount display for quickslotted items no longer gets overlapped by skills
- Static Touch cubes should no longer disappear after the cutscenes in Flying Fortress
- Dad no longer silently stares you down between the Exams and clearing the first temple - he now has some encouraging lines instead!
- A couple of portraits have been updated to fit better with the corner of the textbox
- Phaseman's projectiles should now be a bit easier to shield when they come from weird angles
- Fixed a bug causing the game to crash if the Local High Score page was viewed while empty
- The Gift and Bee pets are a little bit harder to catch now
- The puzzle completion % now checks the correct flags!
- Some save file issues from ye days of olde should now autocorrect on load
- You can now purchase the Roby Rod in Story Mode after beating Flying Fortress, and Morning Star has been replaced with Steel Sword
- The Frostling Scoundrel snowball speed in Arcade Mode has been brought down a bit
- The Ice Fishing trophy should no longer appear to be achieved when it's not
- You can no longer quickslot the Card Album via the Equipment menu
Bug Fixes
- Giga Slime should no longer risk desyncing in multiplayer
- Exiting through a crash should no longer corrupt the save file
- The 1P Arcade Leaderboards should now be working properly again (Pokesly's dark hood hid the entire leaderboard for the stable build, where the hood didn't exist
Next Patch, 0.601a: Currently waiting for some real heavy animation assets, so I'll likely be tinkering with getting the translation tools integerated into Steam Workshop for easier authoring and distribution.
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