Summary: Arrrrrcaaaade mode!
Recommended level: N/A
Update Description
Note: This is one of those real Frontline updates, where sounds are missing, some graphics are placeholder etc! The gameplay should hold up well, though!
Why update Arcade Mode?! It took forever!
Yes, well, when we began this effort we naively thought it wouldn't take very long to fix Arcade Mode up, but, uh... onto the "why"!
Until now only a small percentage of players got much enjoyment out of Arcade Mode. The mode was a cold, hard place with little of Story Mode's charm, but with all of the combat's brutality. Basically, we didn't feel like the game mode felt much like Grindea, and we wanted to change that, while also giving players who previously loved the mode more varied and interesting stuff to sink their teeth into.
We did several things to improve the general Arcade Mode experience, but the biggest by far is the complete revamp of the hub town, Arcadia. Before, your total score made some minor changes to the town and added a few NPCs with quests. Now, you earn gold by doing runs, which you can then spend on different buildings that all provide some useful or not-so-useful feature! Among the useful features, you'll now be able to practice against bosses you're having trouble with, make the mode easier (or harder) with treats and curses, train perfect guarding in the dojo, and getting potions to help you out.
Aside for that we've made some pretty big changes inside the runs as well, like new Event Rooms that buff you or give you special treasure, and new NPCs that help you out in different ways.
Four new floors have also been added, ending the mode on floor 16 instead of floor 12 (featuring Mt Bloom and Tai Ming).
...but most importantly, you're now accompanied by your new best bud Trunk!
Regardless if you enjoyed the mode before or didn't care for it much, please do try the revamped version out! We hope with these changes we can capture the hearts of more players now than before!
What's left before Arcadia 2.0 comes to Stable?
We want to add a few more quests related to some buildings, and also add achievements for the higher floors... and of course fix all the bottles of bugs you guys are probably going to hand us!
Ok, ok, I get it, but... what about the desert?
Arcade Mode has mostly been super intensive on the code side, with all the new features and floors that have been added. This means that while I've been stuck on this update during all this time, Fred and Vilya have made good progress on the art for the story! In fact, most of the areas and NPCs we need for the desert have already been made, which hopefully means that when Arcade Mode is ready for Stable, I can start implementing the desert storyline right away.
Basically, if it weren't for Arcade Mode I would've been in a severe graphics bottleneck for a long time!
Next Up: We'll fix any issues that come up on Frontline and tweak stuff according to feedback, we'll add achievements and their rewards, and we'll add a few quests. When that is done, and we've gotten all the new sounds from our sound dude, the whole shebang will go off to Stable!
Hotfix Patch 0.780c
Recommended level: N/A
Update Description
Note: This is one of those real Frontline updates, where sounds are missing, some graphics are placeholder etc! The gameplay should hold up well, though!
Why update Arcade Mode?! It took forever!
Yes, well, when we began this effort we naively thought it wouldn't take very long to fix Arcade Mode up, but, uh... onto the "why"!
Until now only a small percentage of players got much enjoyment out of Arcade Mode. The mode was a cold, hard place with little of Story Mode's charm, but with all of the combat's brutality. Basically, we didn't feel like the game mode felt much like Grindea, and we wanted to change that, while also giving players who previously loved the mode more varied and interesting stuff to sink their teeth into.
We did several things to improve the general Arcade Mode experience, but the biggest by far is the complete revamp of the hub town, Arcadia. Before, your total score made some minor changes to the town and added a few NPCs with quests. Now, you earn gold by doing runs, which you can then spend on different buildings that all provide some useful or not-so-useful feature! Among the useful features, you'll now be able to practice against bosses you're having trouble with, make the mode easier (or harder) with treats and curses, train perfect guarding in the dojo, and getting potions to help you out.
Aside for that we've made some pretty big changes inside the runs as well, like new Event Rooms that buff you or give you special treasure, and new NPCs that help you out in different ways.
Four new floors have also been added, ending the mode on floor 16 instead of floor 12 (featuring Mt Bloom and Tai Ming).
...but most importantly, you're now accompanied by your new best bud Trunk!
Regardless if you enjoyed the mode before or didn't care for it much, please do try the revamped version out! We hope with these changes we can capture the hearts of more players now than before!
What's left before Arcadia 2.0 comes to Stable?
We want to add a few more quests related to some buildings, and also add achievements for the higher floors... and of course fix all the bottles of bugs you guys are probably going to hand us!
Ok, ok, I get it, but... what about the desert?
Arcade Mode has mostly been super intensive on the code side, with all the new features and floors that have been added. This means that while I've been stuck on this update during all this time, Fred and Vilya have made good progress on the art for the story! In fact, most of the areas and NPCs we need for the desert have already been made, which hopefully means that when Arcade Mode is ready for Stable, I can start implementing the desert storyline right away.
Basically, if it weren't for Arcade Mode I would've been in a severe graphics bottleneck for a long time!
Next Up: We'll fix any issues that come up on Frontline and tweak stuff according to feedback, we'll add achievements and their rewards, and we'll add a few quests. When that is done, and we've gotten all the new sounds from our sound dude, the whole shebang will go off to Stable!
Hotfix Patch 0.780c
- Hotchange: The Shadier Merchant price for HP Pots now scales with more sanity
- Hotfix: The game no longer crashes when perfect guarding red projectiles in a challenge room
- Hotfix: Clients can now open and receive the reward of the Grindea Chest event rooms
- Hotfix: Finishing Chix chicken quest in Mt Bloom no longer crashes the game
- Hotfix: The store discount treat no longer work while in the Arcadia town
- Hotfix: The Arcade Mode Queen Bee fight no longer spawns adds that give exp
- Hotfix: Buying stuff so that your Essence reach 0 no longer locks you out of managing perks
- Hotfix: You can no longer press Escape to get out of the taming item selection and lose your invested gold
- Hotfix: Fixed a number of bugs related to pets in Arcade Mode multiplayer
- Hotfix: Using a Time Crystal should now work in multiplayer as well
- Hotfix: Connecting to someone in Arcadia now sets the score multiplier correctly
- Hotfix: Game should no longer crash randomly when arriving at floor 17
- Hotfix: Time Crystals no longer reset used pet items
- Hotfix: Watching replays and fighting in the arena no longer creates taming items
- Hotfix: The score multiplier is now set correctly in replays
- Arcade Mode: It's a bit of a bunch of a lot of new stuff
- Translations: Challenge descriptions (like 'Herd The Chickens') can now be translated
- Translations: Grade type names (Clear Time, Damage Taken, etc) can now be translated
- Balance: Shielding Rabbys now creates a small delay between their attacks
- Balance: Frosty Friend can now only aggro multiple enemies at once when in Gold Charge
- Balance: Elite Boars have been tuned down slightly. Just slightly.
- Balance: Boss multiplayer scaling in Arcade Mode is a bit less brutal
- Gameplay: The bow can now be cancelled into from attacks
- Arcade Mode: The game will now remember what name you chose last time you played
- Arcade Mode: Enemies spawning as elites now increase the time limit for S rank more than before
- Multiplayer: Clients should no longer be able to be left behind when fighting the Mimic
- Crash: Fixed a bug where Marino could sometimes get damaged by the player during the chase scene, crashing the game
- Oops: Freeze duration reductions between elites and bosses were flipped! Now bosses are more resistant than elites
- Multiplayer: Halloweeds won't use their root spell anymore if there's only one player alive
- QOL: Reflected Wisp projectiles should now hit their previous owners (or some other enemy) more reliably
- Oops: Fixed a bug where sometimes you turned into a static phase shift ball when battling GUN-D4M
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