Victory animation(s)?


This qualifies as 'Polish', since it adds nothing to the game in terms of mechanics or anything else, but it's always been kind of weird how when you manage to finally beat a hard boss your characters just sort of stand there stiffly. Which is fine for some victories, like those vs the Season Fairies or vs Winter, but showboating definitely seems necessary vs Vilya, Marino, Gundam, Gigaslime, Phaseman or any of the large threat Arcade bosses. :) (5:25) (12:14)

If characters had a Secret of Mana/Final Fantasy/typical RPG-style victory pose against battles that would warrant showboating, that might be cute. :) Or a few different styles of victory animation to choose from, or none at all.

This would probably only warrant consideration reeeally towards the end of development, though. Character animations probably take up a lot of resources.