[Visual] Ressurection Bar


Green Slime
Hey just ran into this when i played with a friend.
I think that there are more possibilities then this but to us it happened when he
tried to ressurect me after killing the GUN-D4M. The bar started to fill up and then the
dialogue started, after that the bar still remained over his head even after going through portals and
stuff. Going to provide the video later since i got it recorded but i think even without it, it should be clear what the problem is. ressurection_bar_01.jpgressurection_bar_02.jpg


Nice catch i also had this once but i didnt get behind how to reproduce it.
Also i HAVE to add that i LOVE your Picture of Ark from Terranigma :D


Green Slime
Yeah Terranigma is by far my most favourite game loved it when i played it as a kid and even now i can't find any game that i enjoy so much. Reproducing the bug shouldn't be that hard got no time to try it but i guess every higher ranked event that occurs while ressurecting someone should lead to this.


Staff member
We've had a couple of issues with that bar refusing to go away, indeed! It's added to our list, hopefully it will get fixed soon :)


as i recently played MP i noticed that this bar that show how long it takes to resurect someone got stuck over the head of the charakter until i restarted the game or changes the mode.

I think it happens if you leave a area to fast or so.

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