"I guess the game crashed...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
...due to the butterfly effect." /Teddy 2014
"This bug and I go way back. Our families used to celebrate Thanksgiving back in the day. I even briefly dated its sister once. I know that I should fix it, and I will do it one day, it just feels wrong, you know?" - Teddy 2015
I am 99% sure at this point the drop chance has a decimal point in the wrong position. Instead of 1.5% it's .15%. If not that, there is something else at play here.
"Haha, stahp, you think I'd mistakenly make a 1.5 % drop into a .15 % drop??
I had mistakenly made a
2.5 % drop into a
.25 % one!" -Teddy 2016