Recent content by Jinks

  1. Jinks

    Arcade Mode - Damage bug.

    Gamemode: Frontline Bug: Damage of charged spin attack was registering lower than uncharged skilled (uncharged 2H spin did 150 damage but the hits from my charged level 4 silver whirlslash was around 60 or 80 I think) Character conditions: Pin 1: When charging an Offensive Spell to its current...
  2. Jinks


    Oh, well that was just my account name, my alias is the same as my forum name, but I just added you
  3. Jinks


    Well I don't work for an hour an a half, and I got all my ports forwarded, my steam account is jaikei Add me if you wanna play or test that thing
  4. Jinks

    Steam Usernames and Steam Group

    Steam account: jaikei - (Picture is a guy with a blue and red plaid shirt on) Current steam alias: Jinks I've already added like 13 of you from here, I'm always up to play arcade. I work a lot through the day and I try to keep my steam on away when I'm there, so anytime I'm online or in...