Recent content by xaxio

  1. X

    [Visual] [Steam Deck] Buildings not visible

    Wow, that's an interesting one!
  2. X

    [Gameplay] Music dies when transitioning

    If you beat the Flying Fortress and then warp to Pumpkin Woods from Evergrind City, you can go back to the area where the Flying Fortress was (before ascending) by walking. The music in Pumpkin Woods does not start up again when you walk back into Pumpkin Woods.
  3. X

    [Gameplay] Shouldn't be able to select already-equipped accessory

    Either I shouldn't be able to select the accessory I already have selected in another accessory slot when going to replace the first slot, or it should make an "error" sound instead of a "confirm" sound when trying to select that second accessory again.
  4. X

    [Crash] System.ObjectDisposedException while clicking away from windowed (not fullscreen) mode and back

    Version: 1.00a Steamy Hot Stable Error: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'RenderTarget2D'. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Helpers.CheckDisposed(Object obj, IntPtr pComPtr) at...
  5. X

    Steam just downloaded an update

    What was in the update? I can't find anything posted about it.
  6. X

    The Big MINOR VISUAL Bug Collection Thread

    There's something invisible in this building in the first town. Maybe there's supposed to be a...chair...or something there?