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  1. X

    Charging system

    Hey, I have a question and I think I am the only stupid one who don't understand the bronze, silver and so on - charging system. At the moment I am not home because of my job and can't take a look into the game... So can anyone explain me how the charging system works? When is it bronze or...
  2. X

    Hard Mode, what seems useless, what's good. (Magic)

    GoodStuff is level 52 I guess. He uses the "exploit" before the patch ;)
  3. X

    Who plays 2h weapons?!

    Hey guys, The question is in the title. But I have an additional question to this.. Which skills do you find useful and which are "not so good" ^^ I am just curious ;)
  4. X

    Hi everyone

    So many guys from germany ^^
  5. X

    Where or how to get a pet

    West of the "main city" dont know the name of the city at the moment and cant look ingame because I am not at home. You have to go to the west in the city. Under the Arena
  6. X

    how many of your friends bought SoG ?

    Unfortunately... Nobody :(
  7. X

    What new games do you look forward to?

    Dark Souls 2 Watch Dogs H1Z1
  8. X

    MMORPG similar to Secrets of Grindea

    What is with "Ragnarok"?
  9. X

    Least Favorite enemy (Non boss)?

    I can't decide which enemy is the most annoying for me.. Either the ghosts or jack lantern because of the fire ( damn jack to complete the arena fight in "S" ) :P I like the slime most.. But only the small one. It reminds me of Ragnarok ^^
  10. X

    Me Beating Furious Giga Slime.

    this guy is not so hard ;) the only thing is.. you have to know how to play your class :D
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    Exp and Farming (Version 0.56i)

    Does it mean that people who have the later steam version ( like me ) have some disadvantages?!? :(
  12. X

    Exp and Farming (Version 0.56i)

    but this charakter is the one where you did the "exploit" at the beginning, isnt it? From your first "how to farm exp" what skill is your "Q" button? dont see it in my version?! :p
  13. X

    Exp and Farming (Version 0.56i)

    ok... first of all... WTF !!! over 4k health....?!?! How did you get the treasure at the bottom of the picture oO?
  14. X

    Exp and Farming (Version 0.56i)

    I am level 16 at the moment and leveling where the ghosts and Jumpkins are... you dont get that many EXP :( but I do it also for the pet.. the Jumpkins there drop "Pumpkin Meat " and "Pumpkin Seed" for my pet. It levels up damage. Pumpkin Meat +1 and Pumpkin Seed +5. But as I said... It is hard...
  15. X

    Cards and Boss

    I have a pet ;) but I dont get this Item........ I killed soooo many rabbits :D
  16. X

    Cards and Boss

    then... 1. How can I give this food my pet?! and 2. I thought you can grow it for the "secret cave" or whatever ^^ because I have seen this in the temple too... and above this plant there is a treasure... mhh :(
  17. X

    Cards and Boss

    yeah, I read this in the FAQ 2 minutes ago. Hope it will be added soon. I have another question. Who has the 3rd item from the rabbit?!?!?! I killed so many of them and didnt get the item :D and for what are these plants?
  18. X

    Cards and Boss

    damn... I already killed Phaseman... so it is not possible to get these items yet? want to craft the 1h sword... But I need the item from GUN-D4M :( And yes I read your post about farming.. But it doesnt work anymore as you said it :/ :D
  19. X

    Cards and Boss

    Hey guys, first of all - I love this game :D Normally I hate grinder but this game... I dont know why but I like it so much ^^ So to my question I started to complete my Card Album. I have all cards except the last 4. Where can I find the last 4 cards? Also I dont know where the last...