i played for a while and i was grinding for some resources and doing that old man mission that wants groceries
anyway 10 mins in and im stuck in the desert
not even the fast teleport would go
idk really why but i had to quit and reenter again in order to work
same thing happened when i fought...
I need some freinds to finish all the side quests so if someone wants to play leave a replay
Ps idk how to do it so i will need someone to explain to me how.
That guy keeps helping me in every single way
Thanks dude the reason why im asking is because that the story got me engaged quite hard and i cant wait to see luke and the new ship!
thanks to mrchocoodemon i got the game and one of my freinds gave me his save file
its just about when vilya is about to take you off with her boat then it says its the end of this beta
i used to play w my freinds house and i progressed with the save file he gave me and its been like this since...
i dont own the game by any means but mr chocodemon tried to get it for me and i thought bout helping in making arabic translation
defenitly i wont alone and i need help from you guys
anyone who has free time can help me here so we help the game be in arabic
see ya
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