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  1. Eiroth

    [Bug] The winter shield still uses the old freeze animation

    Basically the title. Just froze a monkey and it turned into a big block of ice like the old times. It was also still able to move and attack, even though the sprite wasn't moving.
  2. Eiroth

    Tai Ming's two songs switch places if you fast travell

    I noticed after teleporting to Tai ming that the peaceful song was playing in the present version and vice versa. I think it had something to do with the fact that I fast travelled to get there...
  3. Eiroth

    Ancient Language?

    I was just wondering how far back in time the people speaking the Ancient language the linguist in the Collectors HQ is studying is, considering that we have no trouble understanding the Tai Ming citizens.
  4. Eiroth

    [Visual] Runes from Cursed Priestess don't dissapear after death

    It looks really cool though...
  5. Eiroth

    [Visual] Lighting reverts back to Ancient Tai Ming if you die in present day Tai Ming

    Specifically, this happens where the first enemies you meet are Edit: Ooops, I think it was just my imagination, wow...
  6. Eiroth

    What's the time span for the Prismatic talent?

    As a mage, I often try to maximize EP efficiency, but I'm not sure how long you can wait inbetween spells without cancelling the Prismatic cost reduction. Is there anyone who knows the exact numbers?
  7. Eiroth

    [Gameplay] [Visual]

    Ok, first thing to report is that if you knock up a spinsect with something like earth spike whilst it's preparing to spin it will act as though it's spinning and run around the room but their walking animation plays instead. They can't do any damage when this happens and they won't ever stop...
  8. Eiroth


    Ok, so I've been stuck on the Sentry Boss in Flying Fortress for something like two hours, and I need crucial information: Do I suck, does my build suck (which would also suggest that I suck) or does my tactic suck (and by extension me). I'm lvl 13, using Flamethrower lvl 8, earth spike lvl 3...
  9. Eiroth

    Farmamheras origin (Possible spoilers)

    Has anyone else thought about the fact that Farmamhera (sorry about the spelling) might be a renegade collector? It would explain why Phaseman thinks you're his enemy even though he was only built to combat Farmamhera.
  10. Eiroth

    [Gameplay] Titan Throw in Season temple

    If you throw your weapon in the wrong places in the temple of seasons (particularly the room that spawns three summer knights) it might get stuck somewhere you can't reach it like outside of the map or behind a wall, meaning that you are completely defenseless against everything.
  11. Eiroth

    [Gameplay] World/Quest Progress Lost (Character remains)

    I had just beaten Winter and quit the game but I accidentally forced the computer to shut down whilst steam was still running. When I loaded the game up again all quests and the map had been reset, but I had all items, levels, cards etc. I'm guessing this means I can get two Amalets and two...
  12. Eiroth

    Mage to Twohander

    I just switched from playing a flamethrower mage to using two-handed weapons and It's like playing a whole new game. It's so easy in literally every way!!! Has anyone else noticed this?
  13. Eiroth

    Story Co-op

    I play a caster and I need people to play with. My steam name is thegodofdiscord.
  14. Eiroth

    [Gameplay] Spawned in Evergrind

    After saving in the arena I started a new save and I spawned in evergrind with a wooden sword and shield. Once I got to Startington everyone was acting as though I'd graduated.