【Crash】 Game keeps crashing in Arcade mode


Green Slime
Whenever I play singleplayer arcade, if I die or quite the game, my whole game will crash. This is the report:

Version: 1.02c Steamy Hot Stable

Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SoG.SteamworksMan.CSteamData.FindLeaderboards() in (path)\Steamworks.cs:line 2420
at SoG.Game1._Leaderboards_UploadHighestFloorReached(Int32 iFloor_ExtendedNotation) in (path)\GameProgress\Leaderboards.cs:line 101
at SoG.Game1._State_GameOver() in (path)\States\Gameover\GameOver.cs:line 402
at SoG.Game1._State_GameOverMultiplayer() in (path)\States\Gameover\GameOver.cs:line 126
at SoG.Game1._Player_KillPlayer(PlayerView xView, Boolean bWithEffect, Boolean bReplaySafe) in (path)\Entities\Player\PlayerFunctions.cs:line 2096
at SoG.Game1._Player_KillPlayer(PlayerView xView) in (path)\Entities\Player\PlayerFunctions.cs:line 1999
at SoG.Game1._Player_TakeDamage(PlayerView xView, Int32 iInDamage, Byte byType) in (path)\Entities\Player\PlayerFunctions.cs:line 542
at SoG.Game1._CollisionMaster_ResolveAttackCollision(AttackPhase xAtPhase, BaseStats xBaseStats, Vector2 v2CollisionPoint, Vector2 v2Normal) in (path)\Collision\AttackCollisions.cs:line 615
at SoG.Game1._CollisionMaster_HandleAttackCollisions() in (path)\Collision\CollisionMaster.cs:line 669
at SoG.Game1._CollisionMaster_HandleCollisions() in (path)\Collision\CollisionMaster.cs:line 626
at SoG.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in (path)\Game1.cs:line 1750 - FullScreen: Yes_Windowed - NetworkRole: Server - scue: Player_Death - MD5: b190d2377729298ce1d118f706050150


Staff member
Looks like it crashes trying to look up the Steam leaderboards!

Are you playing in some offline-mode or logged out?


Green Slime
Hi, thanks for responding!

I'm playing normally while being logged in to Steam. I'm also online whenever I play so I'm not sure why it wouldn't connect.


Staff member
Thanks for the info! Can you access the leaderboards from within the game without it crashing?


Green Slime
I am also having this issue when i die or quit, I cannot access the leaderboards it also crashes then. I am not in offline mode nor logged out