A Buff To The Burning Weapon Talent

Burning Weapon is a talent in melee that, at 3/3 level, gives a 15% chance to burn the target for 100% MATK, 20% per second. Proccing it again refreshes the duration. I suggest nerfing the damage to 50% MATK but allowing it to stack with each proc.

Why is this? Because while Burning Weapon is "technically" useful by virtue of being more consistent than its neighbor Chilling Touch (an almost useless talent given that a number of enemies are immune to Chill making it less consistent for Insult to Injury, and the crit bonus stated in Ice Nova and Ice Spikes skill descriptions doesn't even apply to it) for proccing the Insult to Injury talent in the same melee category, the problem is that the entire identity of the talent is "Your purpose is to be fodder for an actually good talent - Insult to Injury". Giving Burning Weapon the stacking feature would allow it to stand on its own legs and even make the "Crippling Blast" talent in the magic category a worthwhile choice, since otherwise you only ever care about proccing the effect once every 5 seconds so that it doesn't run out and remove the Insult to Injury benefits.