Arcade Mode - More Optional Content + Leaderboards Reset

Dr. Mando

Green Slime
SoG Arcade Mode - 08.24.24 Leaderboard.png

SoG Arcade Mode - 08.24.24 Leaderboard 136.png

1) I formally accuse the current #1 of exploiting a glitch or bug or at the very least utilizing something that needs to be patched out. Either deleting his/her runs from the leaderboard or a High Score reset is in order IMO. Bugs/Exploits need to be rooted out and he/she should get credit for reporting it and helping get it fixed but the High Score board shouldn't resemble the CapCom internal leaderboard for speed-runs in RE5 for example. It may have been fixed, but last I checked, the entire top 100 is full of modders who apparently beat the whole game in less than 5 seconds. Obvious cheating should be purged.


"I was cool with it [it referring to 2 bosses per theme] but that's because I liked having more bosses to fight per run. I still wish that you could optionally fight +1 boss per floor for extra score. Or unlock a chance to fight a Tower Rush boss for greater rewards, since the Tower Rush bosses are well designed but just obstacles in your way in story mode"
As the moderator OWN himself suggested, an option for a second boss fight per theme should present itself. Could raise the (non-exploit) potential maximum score and make climbing the leaderboard more interesting for players. I don't see why the Tower Rush bosses can't be implemented as well. Here's how I see it all being implemented together:

+1 Boss Option could either be a guaranteed-to-present-itself choice at the end of every boss fight or folded into the existing Bishop challenges. It could be something that waits for you at the end of the floor with 3 chests and a big score boost rather than hindering you along the way.

Tower Rush really ought to be optional IMO. With the option being presented after getting a golden essence but before facing Bishop. Score opportunity notwithstanding, it would be nice if it offered a second chance at obtaining unique early items with endgame potential like Blindfold or Archer's Apple.

Looking forward to reading more creative alternatives below. I also want to hear what people think of the HighScore Board!