General Info & FAQ


Staff member
Here they are! The translation tools! If you want to dive right in, take a look at this thread.

If you want to translate the game into Chinese, Korean, Japanese or another language that uses a huge amount of glyphs, then there are some extra hurdles, but it is possible. Check this thread for info.

There are some texts in the game that currently aren't governed by the localization tool. Our goal is to have close to 100 % of the game translatable, so if you find something that can't be translated, please add it to this thread.

Now for some Q&A:

Q: What happens with old translations when the game updates?

The default English dialogues and texts are always loaded, and if the game can't find a specific text in the translation files this default will be used.

In other words, until the translation has been updated, all the translated text will remain translated, while the new strings will be shown in English!

Q: How will I get credited for my work as a translator?

On Steam Workshop, the translation will be yours and you can credit yourself however you want! If you distribute it to DRM-free builds (by placing the translation in My Documents/Secrets of Grindea/Languages), you should never use your Steam Profile.

Q: What is the license for using the tools and creating translations?

No license, really. You can use the tools however you like.

We encourage people to derive improvements from each other's translations as well. The tools can naturally open up any translated materials just as well as our own source files. It would of course be good tone to credit the original author in case you choose to build upon a pre-existing translation.
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Handsome Moderator
Is that what you call a clean tool? XD
I love the color reminder to save and the options, but why can't i reshape the text boxes?


Staff member
Why would you want to resize that text box? It's not even used (by the user anyway)!


Handsome Moderator
The resizing might be needed sometimes. That image above wasn't such a good example for that. Here's a better one
Also, i was confused that the text color i choose and the one it will be weren't the same. I don't think that has to be changed as you'll figure it out and the color label names are unmistakable, but confusing nonetheless.
wrong color.PNG
see Schild /shield
It's blue in my edit box but yellow in example and result

Edit: I figured you did this, because yellow on white is hard to read... sry for me being a little too fast without thinking.
It's late and i should go to bed...
I like the tools. They are very supportive and organized.
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Staff member
Ohh, I see what you mean by the resizing now! The reason they can't be resized is because the size I have given each text item corresponds to roughly how much space they will have in game.

In other words, if the text overflows in the preview to the right, chances are it will overflow inside the game as well!

I am tired as well :D


Handsome Moderator
Ohh, I see what you mean by the resizing now! The reason they can't be resized is because the size I have given each text item corresponds to roughly how much space they will have in game.

In other words, if the text overflows in the preview to the right, chances are it will overflow inside the game as well!

I am tired as well :D
I will rephrase that and see if i can make it shorter without loosing meaning, witts or information xD
The problem is that german is normally 98% the same as english but a little longer...


Green Slime
Ok! I just start with a friend doing the spanish translation! :D

I see something weird with the screen resize, I add screenshot


Handsome Moderator
Your screen is a little small
that is the info on which version you translate and how much you've already done in general and in the section you're working on right now


Could you make it so it is possible to export all translated text to a text file? This way we could use Word's corrector to find any possible typos or mistakes and would make the proofreading waay faster!


Game's (tool's ?) font is missing some letters from Polish language, they are:
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Staff member
Game's (tool's ?) font is missing some letters from Polish language, they are:

Both the game and the tool! If those are the only Polish characters missing, I can add them into the "roman" set as part of the default font.


Both the game and the tool! If those are the only Polish characters missing, I can add them into the "roman" set as part of the default font.
When the new font will be released? Making and especially testing the translation would be a lot easier without these ?s inside words.


Staff member
When the new font will be released? Making and especially testing the translation would be a lot easier without these ?s inside words.

Sorry! I totally forgot to follow this up.

You can re-download the translation tools, as the latest version should support the Polish character set as part of the roman font.

The next version of the game will support Polish characters out of the box, but until I've patched it, you can add the new fonts yourself by downloading the attached "" and extracting it in {Gamefolder}/Content/Fonts/english.

The game folder can generally be found in Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SecretsOfGrindea!


    60.9 KB · Views: 8


Sorry! I totally forgot to follow this up.

You can re-download the translation tools, as the latest version should support the Polish character set as part of the roman font.

The next version of the game will support Polish characters out of the box, but until I've patched it, you can add the new fonts yourself by downloading the attached "" and extracting it in {Gamefolder}/Content/Fonts/english.

The game folder can generally be found in Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SecretsOfGrindea!
Thanks! Works perfectly, but for some strange reason, Ż is a bit higher than other capital letters. Other than that, everything is fine.


Green Slime
Hi! I decided to test my skills at making a Russian translation for your game. I used your translation tool a little and would like to make a couple of feature requests.

1) There is a ё letter in Russian language. It's not available for some reason. I'm using latin ë instead, but that's not very comfortable, as it's not that simple to type it and I have to copy/paste it. Also any spelling checks would break for such words. Would be nice if you can add it.
2) I loved the conditional part, but I would like to make different translations for one player, two girls, two boys and 3+ players of any gender. I could not do that in a current system. I tried using conditions inside of conditions, but that does not seem to work, I just get a parsing error. Can you add more conditions?
3) There could be different forms of a noun in some languages, for example "this is a Chicken Hat" translates into "это шляпа цыплёнка", but "take this Chiсken Hat" translates into "возьми эту шляпу цыплёнка". It is not a good idea to use the only form of a word everywhere, where I want to reference it. That's why I want the names of items, enemies and so on to have different forms. At the very least you could make use of plural forms. If I reference something without a form, the default form is taken. If I reference something with a form, which is not set for that item a default form is used. But when I add the specified form in MiscText Translsate Tool, that should be used instead.
4) I really hate, you used ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow for switching lines, I'm really used to the default meaning of those hotkeys for text editing. Is there a chance, that behaviour could be changed?
5) Also would be nice to auto-color referenced words.

Anyway thanks for a great game:)


Staff member
1) My bad! I thought I had all cyrillic glyphs in the font, but apparently I missed some! I'll update this with the next patch

2) I'm going to have a go at allowing "backward chained" conditionals, so you can reference previous conditionals to achieve things like what you're looking for

3) I might implement something like this one day, but until then, you can actually simulate this behavior by creating extra entries for your translation. What I mean by this is that, if you add something to the end of the string ID (LocalID), and then hit Save, the string will be saved to that ID instead of the original. So, if you're translating AppleName and you want a plural variant, you can actually just change the LocalID to "AppleNamePlural", type "Apples" in the text box and then save.

After that, you should be able to reference your hidden overload with [$LItems|AppleNamePlural]! The biggest and most annoying missing feature in this case is obviously that you can't go back and check those strings since they can't be selected through the drop down, and you'd need very good communication with others on your translation team to use consistent keywords for the additional strings.

4) I can see that being annoying, actually. I'll change that for the next patch. Do you have any good ideas of what you'd like the shortcut to be?

5) That's an interesting idea!

Thanks for playing, and hopefully translating won't be too painful :D