I don't know what my hitbox is.


The fact that I couldn't tell you what my exact hitbox is after this many years of play either reflects really poorly on me or means the game has a teaching blind spot in it. So many hits are taken with people not understanding exactly why, meaning either the player hitbox is completely off from where it is in their mind or the projectile hitbox isn't on point.

Given that some effort is being put into prompting people to shield attacks at the start, hopefully getting them to learn how to shield Gigaslime's spin attack, it might be a good idea to add a teaching moment to dodging as well.

So, how do we do that? I started to type up something until I remembered a perfect demonstration basically already exists in video form from a handheld Zelda game.

In this game you're meant to dodge oncoming cuccos. You can't shield them, you can't attack them.
Pocky and Rocky 2 did a similar thing, much more simply.

But that's only about how to dodge enemy attacks, which while useful doesn't solve the hitbox issue. So, my suggestion isss...


Something to accurately convey what, exactly, constitutes a few basic enemy hitboxes vs the player hitbox. You get put into a little fenced off area with enemies appearing outside of it from all for directions, appearing either at random or in a predetermined sequence. The players hitbox is outlined in red and every enemies attack is outlined in red as well, making it super simple to see where you need to position yourself. You can't shield or use any abilities during this, though maybe a shield hitbox variant might do some good, too.

The first phase would teach basic projectiles using Pumpkin Wizards, second phase the hitbox of charging boars, third phase Phaseman-style energy bullets.

Only problem is, how would this be implemented?

"Up for a game of cards?" - The card guy in town has magic cards that summons copies of enemies and helps you 'concentrate' to find your center, as well as the center of those that mean you harm. Talking to him has him open a teleport portal to this fenced off area.
"Impressed by my plushie collection? I would be too!" - Plushie girl has made a bunch of plushies based off of monsters and wants to show them off to you with 'playtime', and using the power of imagination you can see hitboxes during this minigame!
"Respect yourself." - Of course, just tossing it to Mr. Ji using his dojo as the training ground makes the most sense, I suppose. :naniva:


Actually, maybe a round where you -have- to have your shield up the entire time to move around making precise movements would be good too.
I would offer for consideration an optional accessibility setting that highlights the hitbox at all times, for maximum transparency.
Bonus points for allowing me the opportunity to post 1500 screenshots a day with bloodshot eyes and a foaming mouth, making dozens of posts where I point out every projectile hitbox inconsistency.

One way or another, I do agree with the notion that we need more hitbox clarity.
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