As the title suggests, I'm willing to help.
Without writing a novel, here's a little info about myself. First and foremost, I've been a gamer since the mid 80's. I was so enthralled with video games, that in the late 80's, early 90's, I taught myself everything there was to know about my first computer equipped with a 286 processor. This included the OS (DOS 6.0), Basic & QBasic. DooM was my everything. Level design, graphic design (textures & sprites). Shared my creations (pwads) with friends over bbs's and played over dial-up. Later, I contributed to DooM Legacy after the source code was released. I've kept myself up-to-date over the years, primarily dealing with networking, hardware and every aspect of computer troubleshooting / repair.
Wow, thinking about it, there's way too much to write about....especially in detail. Long story short, when dealing with computers, currently, I'm rusty, when it comes to programming and current development software. However, I did major in Computer Science and Programming in college. Self taught in C++ as well as HTML & Java. Image / Photo editing tools, etc, etc. I could sit, for hours and days, dedicated to creating perfection.
On the console / emulation side of video games, well...I think you can figure it out. Gaming in general, was my life's goal. Some of my favorite games include Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy: The Adventure, DooM, Unreal Tournament, Diablo, Warcraft, Chrono Trigger. When it came to any of these games and emulators and any sort of editor, I could sit for weeks on end, creating new (polished) material.
To the point: it's been at least 10 years since I've done any sort of design, so I'm rusty, if not in the dark with new development software, but I have something I haven't had since those younger years....time.
I've been dreaming for such a game (SoG) to be released, that includes my favorite gaming genre, Action RPG's, accompanied with the classic 16-bit graphics that I wish had never been left behind (3D took over, as it was seen as the future). Secrets of Grindea is everything that I have ever wanted in a game. Thanks to mobile games(flash as well), 2D gaming is making a comeback!
To the developers: If you'd like my help, I will gladly do so! I can purchase the necessary software, I have a solid computer (built it myself) & Internet connection. I have the time, the dedication & patience. I'm willing to help with map layout, textures, character design...hell, I'm extremely rusty when it comes to coding, but I'm sure after some time familiarizing myself, I can jump right back into it!
If you'll consider it, PM me, email me; we can further discuss my eagerness to help. I'll gladly sit for hours on end, designing maps, boundaries, scripts.. Whatever you want! I'd love to help and have some part in this eventual platinum greatest hit!
Without writing a novel, here's a little info about myself. First and foremost, I've been a gamer since the mid 80's. I was so enthralled with video games, that in the late 80's, early 90's, I taught myself everything there was to know about my first computer equipped with a 286 processor. This included the OS (DOS 6.0), Basic & QBasic. DooM was my everything. Level design, graphic design (textures & sprites). Shared my creations (pwads) with friends over bbs's and played over dial-up. Later, I contributed to DooM Legacy after the source code was released. I've kept myself up-to-date over the years, primarily dealing with networking, hardware and every aspect of computer troubleshooting / repair.
Wow, thinking about it, there's way too much to write about....especially in detail. Long story short, when dealing with computers, currently, I'm rusty, when it comes to programming and current development software. However, I did major in Computer Science and Programming in college. Self taught in C++ as well as HTML & Java. Image / Photo editing tools, etc, etc. I could sit, for hours and days, dedicated to creating perfection.
On the console / emulation side of video games, well...I think you can figure it out. Gaming in general, was my life's goal. Some of my favorite games include Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy: The Adventure, DooM, Unreal Tournament, Diablo, Warcraft, Chrono Trigger. When it came to any of these games and emulators and any sort of editor, I could sit for weeks on end, creating new (polished) material.
To the point: it's been at least 10 years since I've done any sort of design, so I'm rusty, if not in the dark with new development software, but I have something I haven't had since those younger years....time.
I've been dreaming for such a game (SoG) to be released, that includes my favorite gaming genre, Action RPG's, accompanied with the classic 16-bit graphics that I wish had never been left behind (3D took over, as it was seen as the future). Secrets of Grindea is everything that I have ever wanted in a game. Thanks to mobile games(flash as well), 2D gaming is making a comeback!
To the developers: If you'd like my help, I will gladly do so! I can purchase the necessary software, I have a solid computer (built it myself) & Internet connection. I have the time, the dedication & patience. I'm willing to help with map layout, textures, character design...hell, I'm extremely rusty when it comes to coding, but I'm sure after some time familiarizing myself, I can jump right back into it!
If you'll consider it, PM me, email me; we can further discuss my eagerness to help. I'll gladly sit for hours on end, designing maps, boundaries, scripts.. Whatever you want! I'd love to help and have some part in this eventual platinum greatest hit!