Local co-op on 2 computers?


Green Slime
Is it possible or will it not work?

Im not too proficient on all the IP and NAT stuff, I hate doing it with my consoles(port forwarding) so Im practically a noob. lol

Anyways me and my cousin really wanna play co-op arcade.


Staff member
There's a "hidden hack" to allow for local co-op using multiple windows. We'll make this hack official and accessible through the menus one day, but for now you need to use chat commands and add a file into your steam game folder.

Also, it's not possible for both players to share a keyboard - you'll need a gamepad for the second player. This must either be a 360 controller, or one that can be emulated as such (PS3 controllers for example)

1) Drop the attached file into your Secrets of Grindea install folder (Steam/steamapps/common/SecretsOfGrindea). This will allow you to open up multiple instances of the game.
2) Open up two windows of the game
3) Host a multiplayer game in one of the windows
4) Instead of an IP address, join localhost with the other window - this will connect the computer to itself
5) With the desired input selected for Player 1, type "/lockinput". This will make the game ignore any other input devices
6) Switch to the other window and make it recognize the controller by pressing start, and then type "/lockinput" in the chat
7) You can now control both windows at once

Note: due to how Windows handle input messages, the game window controlled by keyboard must have focus. The gamepad overrides all this and can control the game despite it not being selected!


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Green Slime
There's a "hidden hack" to allow for local co-op using multiple windows. We'll make this hack official and accessible through the menus one day, but for now you need to use chat commands and add a file into your steam game folder.

Also, it's not possible for both players to share a keyboard - you'll need a gamepad for the second player. This must either be a 360 controller, or one that can be emulated as such (PS3 controllers for example)

1) Drop the attached file into your Secrets of Grindea install folder (Steam/steamapps/common/SecretsOfGrindea). This will allow you to open up multiple instances of the game.
2) Open up two windows of the game
3) Host a multiplayer game in one of the windows
4) Instead of an IP address, join localhost with the other window - this will connect the computer to itself
5) With the desired input selected for Player 1, type "/lockinput". This will make the game ignore any other input devices
6) Switch to the other window and make it recognize the controller by pressing start, and then type "/lockinput" in the chat
7) You can now control both windows at once

Note: due to how Windows handle input messages, the game window controlled by keyboard must have focus. The gamepad overrides all this and can control the game despite it not being selected!

I am curious does this also work if trying to use multiple controllers?


Green Slime
lol i actually just did and it worked for me using the /lockinput i was able to play coop not only on two different monitors but with 2 controllers and t different audio sources :D cant wait for my gf to get home now so we can play.


Green Slime
So about 2 hours later after I posted this we DID get it to work, even though we were literally sitting next to eachother in the same house and everything lag was still present every hour or two. Not that that was a problem, sometimes he could reconnect instantly and other times we both had to exit client and restart our session. Thank god for the auto save lol.

Note: I did say 2 computers, not on the same computer, although I was curious about that as well but I read a post earlier about it as well. This game really shines, it gives me super nostalgia from Legend of Mana as a kid, wishing it could go online as local 2 player co op was really limited...


Handsome Moderator
awesome, gotta do that too
how about the character selection? can both players choose the same character?
Has player 2 the same char as an option?
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Green Slime
awesome, gotta do that too
how about the character selection? can bother player choose the same char? Has player 2 the same char as an option?
Yes same features, you get to choose of the 3 char slots, either make a new char or choose an existing. Not sure how levels play into the drop and join instances...

IMHO, i felt the game was throwing more enemies or enemies that had stronger health at us. And thats a plus I will say; but we also both started brand new characters together and always leveled at the same time so its hard to say how the monsters are exactly affected from multiplayer.


Green Slime
I am in need of help so i am able to run two instances and play the game on one pc but the second players character doesnt save how do it correct this?


Staff member
I am in need of help so i am able to run two instances and play the game on one pc but the second players character doesnt save how do it correct this?

Hmm... I can see how this happens if you create two new characters, actually. The "brief data" about the save slots are saved in the global save file upon exiting the game, so if the last window that was closed believes a save slot is empty, that's how it will appear.

A workaround if this is your problem would be to create both characters separately, closing the game, and then having these two characters join the same game. This way, regardless of which window you close last, both will know there should be a character on both save slots. The secondary character's save card will display incorrect information at character select, but when loading the correct save file should load.

Does this help? If you already did it like this, then it's a different bug than I thought!

When we make the hack official, I'll issue a fix that detects local host connections and informs all instances to update their save cards correctly.


Green Slime
Teddy you sir are awesome it works great and the character saves do stay it just throws me off on the character select screen but thats ok as long as it has all my stuff i am happy :D


How were you able to make each window use a different xbox controller? Still trying to figure that part out!

p.s Local coop is a muuuuust!
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Staff member
How were you able to make each window use a different xbox controller? Still trying to figure that part out!

p.s Local coop is a muuuuust!

Are you using the Frontline version of the game? To use the hidden hack I talked about earlier in the thread, you'll need version 0.572 or later!

To switch to a different controller in game, press start on the controller you want to use.


I am using the latest frontline version and I have gotten the hack to work flawlessly with exception to not knowing how to set up the second controller but now with your help I should be able to! Thanks!


Staff member
LAN as in two computers on the same network? In that case, you should be able to open up the command line (press windows key and type cmd), type "ipconfig", and then look at "IPv4 Address".

Connect to the IP you see there from your other computer, and it should work on most networks!

terry davids

Green Slime
For some reason it just says IP not found. I really love this game, more than any game ive played in years. Im really excited to play it with my son but for some reason I just cant get it to work. Im sure in a later update maybe it'll work. Im really bummed but I still think its and incredible game.