Music total silence?


I joined a Session Arcademode hosted from my girlfriend via hamachi and we both have had NO music until we started SoG new.
From the very begining of her hosting she has had no music.
Dont know what has happened trough i though there where some exception handeling kicking in if no music is playing during a stage in the arcade mode.

EVERYtime we start the game it doesnt make music for us :(
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Staff member
Wow, that's a pretty strange bug! It seems like it won't happen if you connect to an ongoing session, so if your girlfriend wants music she can always start the game without you, and wait in Arcadia until you connect.

I'll definitely look into fixing this, of course.

EDIT: I lied, and now I understand what you mean with start again :(


Staff member
Ok, I found the problem and will fix it in a final little patch before tomorrow (and pray that doesn't break anything important ;D)


Some little other thing in mp when ressurecting a player if you die at that the bar doesnt dissappear...